I have been friends with this girl for 5 years. We had some distance the past year for no bad reasons we just go to different schools and have been busy. We never ended on bad terms.

She still often sees our mutual friends from highschool that I don’t talk to anymore at all and haven’t for over two years. The other friends excluded me from their plans back two years ago, fresh out of highschool. That’s what made me lose contact with them all and in turn, I lost contact with this one friend too.

I reached out to her a couple weeks ago asking how she was and if she wanted to get a drink. She said “I was just going to text you! Id love to when works for you?” And I suggest a day but it didn’t work for her and so she suggested a different day but that one didnt work for me. She told me she would update me once she gets her schedule for work for when else she’s free.
She said she would know in a couple days.

Well. A whole week goes by and nothing. Another 4 days and she reaches out apologizing saying she was busy with midterms but wants to hangout this coming week. I agree and she says she will “let me know what days she’s free when she gets her work schedule on Sunday or monday” well…… it’s Tuesday and I haven’t heard anything from her.

Should I just forget about this and move on or should I reach out to her and maybe just see what’s up and ask if she’s got her schedule.

I’m thinking maybe she just doesn’t care to see me that much but I don’t understand why she would reach out again after the first time didn’t work if she didn’t want to see me.

TL:DR; how do I navigate this friend situation. Asked her to hangout she said she would check her schedule in a few days. Didn’t text back for a week. Rinse and repeat another week the same thing. Do I move on

1 comment
  1. I normally try 3 times to teach out and if it’s always ‘later’ but no actual attempt to reach out, I’m generally done trying.

    If in the future they contact me, great! But I’ll leave it up to them.

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