If your partner chatted to other men during a break, would you forgive them? Why or why not?

  1. Doesn’t ‘break’ imply you aren’t dating anymore? It’s not my business what she does during a break. And it’s not her business what I do.

  2. …forgive her for


    with other men?

    Bruh, you got massive jealousy issues. If her just *TALKING* to men is too much for you, I dunno what to tell you. God have mercy on your soul.

  3. Wow. “Forgive them?” For chatting with other men during a break in your relationship? Who the f do you think you are?

  4. >would you forgive them?

    ¿Forgive what? ¿Being a social human being? Also, breaks are wack, if we done, we done, me going out and having sex with a copy girl same day.

  5. Taking a break is cover for cheating. Any woman (or man) who says they need a break has a person lined up already.

  6. They just chatted? That’s it?? Really, why do you think you deserve an apology for that. Over a break too.

  7. break is just “lets see if i can find someone better but dont wanna end up alone so ima hit u up when i need company”

  8. I would assume that since we’re back together that I have forgiven her? Personally I don’t think there’s nothing to forgive. In fact I would prefer to not know about your escapades if we get back together.

  9. If you’re having a break and planning to get back together after it… Firstly I think that is dumb…

    But if you don’t want your partner doing something while you’re on the break, tell them that before they do it. You can’t be annoyed if they did something which you didn’t make clear in the conditions of this break.

  10. Women don’t solely CHAT to men. They are having Sex. Most not one but multiple guys. If they say they’re chatting they’re just lying. And this same thing are done by men too.

    Now if I had broken up and we both take alternative routes to heal where I go through the route of therapy, excercise, not sleeping around,dedicating more time to self improvement, work and hobbies whike she’s has started her promiscuous phase of sleeping around with multiple men no way I’ll ever get back with her. Promiscuous women are a big no.

  11. Depending on what you mean with chatting, maybe? But it’s also why going on a “break” is probably just a bad idea so you don’t get these weird situations. Either work it out together or break up.

  12. Since when chatting with the other men is a wrong doing? Is talking a crime? I am sure it sounded better in your head

  13. I thought the reason for ‘breaks’ is so people could chat with others because they were too chickenshit to actually break up.

  14. Yes but ngl it would pick at me. Mostly cuz I’ve been married 8 years and depending on the length of the break it could really bother me. But that’s circumstantial. Like if we were on a break for less than a week and she’s trying to slide into a guys dms that quick, that’s definitely gonna bother me. Forgivable for sure, but I’d prefer to not hear about it. The idea just kind of hurts that you were passed over so quickly after 8 years of marriage. But also I’m assuming this charting is flirtatious in nature. If she’s just talking to a man idgaf

  15. …if you’re “taking a break” from the relationship that surely includes all aspects of it, yes?

    A break is a breakup hiding behind a dropped syllable.

  16. I don’t really believe in breaks. If she asked for one, she already has someone in mind.

  17. Personally I wouldn’t, then again I don’t do breaks. If you’re not 100% confident in me go f*ck yourself.

  18. If we’re on a break, we’re single but entertaining the possibility of reconnecting.

    Not only is there nothing to forgive, but I probably made some moves too.

    You’ll get a lot of people saying that a break means they have someone else lined up.

    That may be true.

    The one time I suggested it, it was because she was freaking out that I was breaking up with her, and I was trying to give her some consolation.

    She wanted to not date around during the break. I honestly didn’t have anyone lined up, I was just done dating her.

    My hope was that she would find someone else, move on, and stop being a pain in my ass.

    She balked at the idea of a break where we were both free to date around, so then I just dumped her.

    Same result on my end, she just decided to make the transition more abrupt than it could have been otherwise.

  19. Never. For me, women cheat when they talk to other men. Also, I don’t believe in breaks so that would never happen. Breaks are bullshit. You might as well break up.

  20. I’ve forgiven worse things, chatting is hardly worth considering being worthy of the effort being as it literally just talking.
    Being on a so called break means that she is even more free to do as she pleases

  21. No, but I wouldnt go on a break anyways. It would be a break up and thats the end of that. Breaks are stupid. What are both parties going to do? Fix the relationship by find themselves with someone else or testing their relationship with outside dick/pussy? Fucking ridiculous. Youve entertained someone else. It’s done. If you cant stay and fix relationship problems by staying in the relationship like a mature couple, its not going to work. What are you going to do if it gets tough again? Another break? What if you were married? What if you have kids together? Life will have many problems and relationships have them all the time. No one has time for that nonsense.

  22. My girl and I went on break for a day . I guess she been asking to breakup . Demanded a break . She was insecure over girks on my ig and feeling like a second option to me. So I work on that we both get rid of ig and work with eachother to bond again but said she responded to few guys that hit her up but nothing to crazy who knows. Just see what context it was in. But remember her talking to other dudes shows how cool you are and why she chose you . Stay that dude

  23. OP I’ll just break the ice and tell you that if she’s only around after a break that means you’re only relevant because no superior white knight appeared to take your place. You’re a placeholder and she will not stop looking for your replacement. Forgive yourself for even staying around after knowing this information.

  24. Unless it was an established exclusive break… as in we aren’t involving with anyone else we just need time apart, then you weren’t together.

    To be honest, I’d never go for a non exclusive break. Time apart? Sure. Otherwise it’s a break up. We aren’t separating temporarily so you can technically not cheat.

  25. Your on a break, she could have slept with the guy. She isn’t cheating on you if you are on a BREAK. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  26. Find someone else or be a chump.

    Breaks aren’t a normal part of healthy adult relationships.

  27. Who initiated the break and why? If she wanted a break to check her options that’s a problem for me.

  28. I think the whole notion of a ‘*break*’ is immature, it’s not something I would do since relationships are not videogames.

    You break up, full stop.

    What she does after we break up is her business.

  29. If we are on a “break,” I am not taking her back. We broke up. End of story. It’s not going to work better a second time. Because I would bet money, it’s because she wants to bang other people. I have more self respect than that.

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