This short convo happened between hubby and I just this moment;

Hubby – (showing a dog food bowl with uneaten food in it from last night)
“Honey.. is this how much you feed the dogs? It’s awfully small.”

Me – sly look – “Babe, you fed the dogs last night. “

Hubby – after glancing at the bowl – “Yes that looks about right.”

Anyone else get frustrating moments in marriage like this?

  1. These usually revolve around me asking my wife, “Hey honey, where did you put (anything of mine)? And her responding with, “I didn’t touch that.”, then I find it. Whoops 🙂

  2. Haha yeah, it usually is from him asking “hey do you know what happened to x thing?” to which I reply “I don’t know, I never touch it because it isn’t mind to touch”.

    Then he searches and goes “ahh there it is” and says thanks anyways lol

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