**Challenge 2: Make warm eye contact with 3 people**

👉️ **What to do:**

Make *warm* eye contact with 3 people you see when at work, school, socializing, or out running errands.

Warm eye contact is a useful concept from Olivia Fox-Cabane’s The Charisma Myth.

How to display warm eye contact: (Adapted from *The Charisma Myth*)

– In front of a mirror, close your eyes and think of something that annoys you, like fixing your home WI-FI.

– When you feel that irritation, open your eyes and look at yourself in the mirror, what do you notice?

– In front of a mirror, close your eyes and think of something that makes you feel warmth. (Like a nice meal with a good friend.)

When you feel that warmth take hold, open your eyes and look at yourself in the mirror, what do you notice?

👉️ **Why you’re doing it:**

An important skill to develop is the skill of seeming approachable to others.

The more approachable you are, the easier your interactions will be. We’ll be using warm eye contact in a few later challenges, so get a feel for it now.

🔴 **Does this challenge feel too hard?**

Make warm eye contact with one person.

🟢 **Does this challenge feel too easy?**

Make warm eye contact with 3 people and say “Hi” to them. (no need to start a conversation, just say hi)

**Be sure to follow me so you don’t miss the next challenge!**

[Missed a challenge? List of all challenges here](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jeffcallahan3/comments/11b2pmb/social_skill_challenges_master_list/)

*Disclaimer: In some counties, eye contact is considered rude/aggressive if that’s the case in your country, what could you do instead? Come up with some ideas in the comments for others!*

1 comment
  1. cc’ing these people because I know you were interested in future challenges:


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