We are friends since 5 years. She knows I have feelings for her since last 2 years. Problem is she is still not over her ex even after 2 years of their break-up.

Few weeks ago I confessed my feelings again. She decided to give it a try. We did went on a dinner date. She was honestly trying in the initial few days. I could see she was putting efforts from her side.

Then suddenly since last week I started getting dry replies. I could sense that she is just replying out of curtesy or politeness. But she dont want to move the conversation ahead. I don’t know maybe she is actually busy, maybe not.

Should I ask her – if something’s wrong and If she want to give up on this.

If she don’t want to continue, that’s fine with me. But I need to know for sure that she wants to quite.

Should I ask her? Or is it just me overthinking?

Could you suggest how I bring it up with her? How to let her know what I am thinking/ feeling? Without being sounding clingy. Please help..

  1. I think it would be reasonable to tell her that you’ve noticed that you guys don’t talk as much since you started trying to date, and if that’s because she doesn’t want to date you, you want to let her know that it’s fine she doesn’t want to date you, that you just miss how it was before.

    This is a bummer, this is what people mean when they talk about not wanting to ruin the friendship.

  2. Bro i think it’s best if you stop this. Don’t be plan B for anyone. Find someone who likes you the same way you like your friend. Go little to no contact with her.

  3. You’ve known her for 5 years so your gut stinct is probably correct. She’s just not that into you, talk to her let her know it’s fine if she’s not ready or not into you like that but keep the friendship going .. assuming you want to remain friends.

  4. Also, I’ve had guy friends who I turned down multiple times and those friendships always end in chaos…. If she rejects you again, really evaluate if you’ll be able to stay friends long term without longing for more, if you’ll be able to listen to her talk about future dates and sex and boyfriends without feeling like shit. Nobody wants to feel like someone is only around because they are just lurking, waiting for a chance to fuck or tie you down into a relationship… that’s just my humble, honest opinion.

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