How do you deal with political disagreements in a relationship?

  1. Discuss different perspectives. I don’t date people who have different values from myself so I don’t have large political differences with partners.

  2. You aren’t bound to agree on every single political stance. Most times different stances can lead to really good discussions. But sometimes a difference in political beliefs, depending on a topic, can be quite large and mean that there is an inherent difference in your core values. You can still have discussions but it’s worth to go deeper in yourself and see if you’d want to be with someone with such a large difference in a strong core value.

  3. i mean i love to debate different views on policy sometimes cause it’s fun. but never large political views or values—if my partner came to me and said they were anti-abortion, that relationship is over

  4. I think you could agree or disagree in some opinions but with political opinions I don’t think that’s possible.
    If you’re from a minority (women, lgbtq+, poc, etc) you will only be heard by left parties, right parties will try to take away your rights every time they can.
    So in my opinion you couldn’t be with a partner who doesn’t want you to have any rights.

  5. That depends on what you mean by political differences. Something like a disagreement tax rates is a lot different than disagreeing on things like accessible healthcare or basic human rights.

    For the former, I’d just agree to disagree and leave it at that. For the latter, instant breakup.

  6. I think it depends on what political view you guys disagree on. Debating with your partner is great, but some political differences can’t be ignored.

  7. I don’t get closely involved in a partner’s politics or religious beliefs and rarely enter into discussions of my own.

    I have dealbreakers to weed out all those who have political ambitions, revolutionary agendas, are immersed in crank conspiracy theorist circles or make divisive politics their identity/main hobby/the hill they want to die on.

  8. I’m okay with differences in political views to a degree. We all have an opinion. In large though, I do want to be compatible with my partner. Us disagreeing on small things is a non-issue to me and I respect that. And it’s always nice to hear another person’s take and learn. It’s unrealistic to me to think we will agree on everything. Very large large large issues though, yes we need to be somewhat likeminded.

    For transparency, most recently my partner made a comment that he’d consider leaving me if I ever voted a certain way. This was ridiculous to me because he knows I’m neither republican nor democrat, and I am independent. So I was pretty disgusted by the comment and it irritated me, because if I wanna vote that way, I’m voting that way (and I voted that way before). So I just said “you’re entitled to your opinion” and reminded him I’m independent and do what I want. It wasn’t even a moral issue at hand, just a generalized statement so it didn’t fly with me. He immediately understood and was like sorry I got extreme on that. So we had an open discussion and I was like you’d really leave me? Told him I needed to know now rather than later down the road. He said he wouldn’t. And I was like we don’t need to be a no share household. Just trust we have the same morals. We have never really disagreed about politics on a big level so it was a ridiculous statement.

    I’ll bring it up at a later date, but it ended fine for now. Basically I would just say open communication. I’m not worried about us aligning on almost everything. He’s just a lot more set one way and has a very hard time comprehending the other side. He can’t separate the two. And for me I like to hear both sides, despite me leaning one way. It’s important to me to hear both sides so I can form the most educated opinion. Moral things don’t matter I go for the most morally sound thing at all times and am very open.

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