Recently I have been trying to look up and add/follow 2 local businesses every week to try and grow my network for my business and reach out to other small businesses owners. Yesterday when I did this I came across an absolute smoke show. Reading her recent stories and posts we have a f*** tonne in common and have both been kicked down a lot in our lives and even both lived in a place she holds near and dear to her heart. We chatted briefly about that place and I thanked her for the follow back. She use a lot of emojis and said it was very nice to unofficially meet me (I only have an Instagram account for my business) and since has been like most of what I post including a picture of myself with my children. Anyways I haven’t been able to get her out of my head and with her liking my posts she is hard to ignore. Her email and contact info are on her Instagram, so I am wondering how I might go about asking her out. Also one of my friends who lives in another province follows her, not sure if they are friends. What is my play here. She is 36 I am 42. We both own complimentary businesses too. She runs hers out of her home I own a shop with contractors.

1 comment
  1. Hello!

    First of all I would do a little digging online and make sure she is available before making any advances.

    Well I think this is the perfect opportunity to bond over something you have in common and express your additional interest in her! I think you should message her on Instagram – since she is clearly active there – and say something like “I think it would be really valuable to talk in person about your experiences as a small business owner! Would you be interested in maybe getting coffee with me sometime?” By setting up the meeting in a public space/getting coffee you can start to build up the personal connection beyond just the business conversation. During coffee if things are going well maybe just say, “you know, I’m really glad we were able to meet. Beyond just talking about our businesses, I’m really happy that I’ve gotten to know you better.” Just start planting little seeds and see if she responds the same way. And if she doesn’t, just keep things professional.

    Also if you compliment her appearance, make sure you say something more eloquent than smoke show 😅 maybe point out that you like her smile or she has beautiful hair. Something more personal that tells her that you notice her beyond just being hot.

    Good luck!

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