This has become a controversial issue in my household, divided into camps of:

– Not squeezing the teabag is messier as the teabags are still wet when they go in the food waste so it’s more convenient to squeeze

– Squeezing the teabags makes the tea taste worse.

So who is right? What do you do?

  1. >Squeezing the teabags makes the tea taste worse.

    Squeezing the ever-loving crap out of it makes it tastes better imo 😅

  2. If I’m in a rush then yeah. You can see how dark the tea turns when you squeeze just a few seconds after putting the water in. If I’m going to leave it for 5 minutes to brew anyway, then there’s no point because the tea will have diffused anyway.

  3. Squeezing a tea bag gives a bitter taste. I just lift the teabag out and let it “drip dry” for a few seconds. Makes a little mess, but anything for good tea!

  4. I squeeze it. No noticeable difference in taste and it’s not messy that way. Makes it a bit stronger too

  5. A quick pinch with the fingers then toss it in the food waste to stop the drips. I can’t imagine the splash of tea it contains can influence the flavour one bit.

  6. Stir your tea (only psychopaths leave it to just brew. Don’t be like them) and then remove the bag.

    Squeeze to reduce bin juice and discard.

    If you absolutely must, put the cold tap on for a bit. Otherwise just enjoy the scaldy-squeeze.


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