What would you do if you were the last woman on Earth?

  1. You’re asking men what they would do if they were the last woman on earth?

    And you think the answer would be different than if they just woke up one day as a woman?

  2. Wrong sub. Unless you’re asking, as a man, what you *think* you would do if you were the last woman on earth.

    I don’t recommend asking this on askwomen, use the no censor one instead.

  3. I already played *Lisa, The Painful RPG.*

    I would prove myself the strongest by killing a bunch of guys after my adoptive father committed mass murder on my behalf and then turn into a mutant because I OD’d on some weird drug.

  4. In all honesty. Masturbate to see what kind of pleasure it brings women out of curiosity.

    I’d say I’d be a lesbian but that’s not a choice. You’re born with your sexual orientation. So I’d probably end up being a straight woman anyway. So I guess procreate to make more women. 🤷

  5. Probably given birth to a bunch of female babies using the most viable male specimens. These female will probably have to start procreating as soon as they finish puberty with the youngest men still alive to cut down on birth defects. We’d have to freeze embryos to preserve genetic viability/variety

    The world order would probably have a 10-25 women for every man after 2-3 generations, which is more or less what we do with cattle. I think society would be pretty cool in this situation. Less war and history has shown women do better under polygamy than men do in polyandry. So the generations to come would be in a good place.

    Unless of course I’m turned into an infertile woman. Then we are screwed as a race.

  6. I’d kill myself.

    Because all that’s gonna happen, it’s that eventually you’re either gonna be raped repeatedly by numerous strangers, or you’re gonna be kidnapped by the government and forced to breed.

  7. Oh I’d be a rich ass mofo for sure! I’d sell my body 100% and just hide in a cave with a machine gun so if anyone tried barging in for a freebie I’d blast them, maybe live in a cave on a mountain tough to get to. Charge an insane amount too. Only those willing to climb a mountain and pay absurd money can have a go at me. Maybe have kids with some? Probably not. I’d just lay back on my bed made of money with my machine gun and enjoy the fact I can now have a million orgasms a day haha

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