Assuming that you live alone.

Would you help him out? If so, how? Would you invite him in/open the door? Why or why not?

Edit: phrasing

  1. Lol I don’t respond or open if someone rings my doorbell in the middle of the day, no way I’d do it in the middle of the night. Don’t care if it’s a dude or a woman, I’m just gonna turn up the volume on my headset and ignore them.

    There’s a McDonald’s a 10 minute walk away that’s open almost 24/7, they can go there and ask for a phone.

  2. Ummm, I’ve watched both When a Stranger Calls and it’s superior sequel When a Stranger Calls Back, >!he’s already in the house and I’m making a break for the neighbors!<

    Seriously though, I’m not opening the door and honestly I probably wouldn’t even acknowledge I had heard anyone knock if I didn’t know who it was and it was late.

  3. If you’re knocking on our door then you’ve clearly jumped the fence into our yard. This is Louisiana. It’s not looking good my man

  4. I would never even open the door, for a man or woman. Definitely would never let them into my house. I work as a public defender, and one of my clients pulled this exact stunt in order to rob someone. I’m sure there are times when it’s legitimate, but I just would never risk it.

  5. I wouldn’t even open the door, id just yell through it. Then call a tow/cab/police for them.
    I saw that episode of criminal minds

  6. I’m not opening the door to strangers. There’s a power point right outside by my front door, I will suggest that for your phone or offer to call the police.

  7. I don’t answer the door unless I’m expecting someone. I pretended not to be home while elderly Church ladies knocked on my door. In this case I’d shout “sorry, no. Ask someone else” thru the door and it would be the same for a woman too.

    Opening the door would be an absolute no and the idea of handing a stranger my cell phone…. Just hell the fuck no to all of that.

  8. I don’t open the door for anyone I don’t know. I also have security cameras to help with who is knocking.

  9. I live alone and I would not answer the door at all. If someone knocked on my door I would ignore it. If they knocked again I would tell them to go away. If they knocked again I would call 911 and report someone is harassing me and I need help.

  10. For starters, I wouldn’t answer the door at all. Gender is irrelevant…there’s no way I’m answering the door to anyone I don’t know at night.

  11. I had a guy come up at night asking for money one time. Bottom line, just fucking don’t. It sucks for the person that needs help but they have to understand the position they’re putting people in. If they don’t, they’re an equally dangerous person as someone with I’ll intentions.

  12. I’m not opening the door for anyone. Gender wouldn’t affect my decision. It could be legit, but it also could be someone with sinister intentions. It’s too risky. At most, I’d place a call for the person.

  13. I would say no to them through my Ring doorbell cam and tell them to go to the nearest gas station or store to ask instead.

  14. I would have him tell me the number through the door and I would make the call for him. Not opening the door. Not giving him a phone.

  15. No, because this has actually had this happen at 3 am. My son, the night owl was awake and the guy said he banged (not politely knocked)on the door. When he tried to open the door, my son got my shotgun(he was over 20!), which was promtly taken away from him as he has no idea how to work a pump action and was told to call 911. The guy said he was mugged. If you were mugged, why the fuck were you trying to get into *my house*?!?!

  16. I won’t even open the door for the amazon guy. I wait until he has driven away to get my packages. For stranger? Nope. Even if he is for real, can’t take the risk.

  17. I’m sorry but I don’t ever open the door unless I know who’s coming to my door so this will never work. The door would be closed is what I’d do

  18. I’ve actually had this happen. I was half asleep. I opened the big door, listened to the story through the screen door, and then handed my phone over.

    … and *then* I fully woke up and realized what I’d just done and what a bad idea that was. Still, I took comfort in the fact that if he got my phone, he just got my phone. I’d be fine.

    The guy called for a ride and handed the phone back. I was pleasantly surprised. I don’t answer the door for strangers anymore.

  19. HELL NO!! I would have my firearm on me and say I’m sorry but I can’t help there’s a couple down the road you can ask.

  20. Tell them that I will call 911 and ask the police to send help. If he is legit this will not be a problem.

  21. I don’t answer my door unless I’m expecting someone or having something delivered. So this would be a non existent situation.

  22. Logically, I know you shouldn’t open the door and should call police. But honestly, I’m kinda torn because of a similar situation involving my brother.

    It’s a long story, but basically he hit a horse with his car that had escaped its pasture, early morning on his drive to work through backroads farmland America. 4am is pitch black outside, road completely deserted, phone lost in the dark , stranded miles from the closest town. What can you do? Go to the nearest house and knock on the door to ask for help. He was understandably a mess.. bloody, visibly panicking after a freaking horse crashed through his windshield.

    He was basically given the silent treatment. They didn’t respond to him at all. They did call the police though, who thankfully got him to a hospital. Now, I get why they didn’t open the door to a bloody frantic man at 4am. 100% safe and smart choice for them. But when I think of my brother alone and hurt in the middle of nowhere, being ignored, my heart breaks.

    If I’m ever in a similar situation as OP described, I still won’t open the door. But I might talk to them through the door and assure them that I’m calling someone to come help them, at the very least. I don’t think I can flat out ignore someone asking for help, knowing what my brother went through.

  23. Not unlatch the door and tell him I’m calling the cops to help him out, what’s his name/make/model.

  24. The only time I answer the door is if it’s for a package that’s already been confirmed to be delivered that day. I wouldn’t answer the door if it was at night. I always keep my doors locked. Let him be stranded and ask someone else for help. I don’t know him, I’m not obligated to help him and I don’t want to make his issues my issues.

  25. Would not open the door. Would not give my phone to a stranger to use. Sure, their story might be true… but they also might be a robber/rapist/murderer and I ain’t taking that chance.

  26. Well I’ll answer the door & let him use a phone. I’ll have a weapons on me just in case. I can’t imagine calling the police because someone needs help . But I’ll have a good weapon handy

  27. If someone knocked on my door in the middle of the night, I probably wouldn’t even hear it. If I heard it, I would ignore it. No one would have the opportunity to ask to borrow my phone, because I wouldn’t open the door in the first place.

  28. I don’t answer unless I’m expecting someone. Even during the day, don’t care, text or call me first. I don’t do surprise visits.

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