We have all heard stories of people whose partners refused to reciprocate oral sex. I find myself in the opposite situation and, although people have always taken it well, I wonder whether they think things that they don’t say.

Basically, I love going down on a girl, but I really dislike them going down on me. How would you feel if you were the partner, having just received some great oral, then being asked *not* to return the favour?

Thanks in advance for your answers, I appreciate you šŸ˜Š

  1. I am the same šŸ™‚ I hate getting oral sex, but i am obsessed by giving it. Its just hard to find women who like receiving oral sex without returning it. No idea what its that rare.

  2. Some people don’t like getting oral, it is actually not that rare. Just tell them in advance so they don’t feel like they are the ones doing something wrong, and let them reciprocate in other ways. It doesn’t always have to be tit for tat, as long as everyone is having a good time, its okay to get each other off in different ways.

    Though if you time it as your post suggest (you give oral, they are about to return it and THEN you say no) it might make them feel like you find them unappealing.

  3. Iā€™ve had partners who were this way before and I was generally fine with it, as long as they were open with me about what I could do to please them as much as they were pleasing me (even if it was just ā€œlet me go down on you for as long as I wantā€).

  4. This sounds like a totally reasonable request. In other words, you absolutely have the right to avoid forms of sex you donā€™t like.

    Just know that this may not line up with the kind of sex she likes in which case, this could be a basic incompatibility between the two of you. Neither of you would be doing anything wrong, itā€™s just that you want different things.

  5. Personally I would not date a man that didnā€™t like getting blow jobs. I like giving them. I couldnā€™t go without that. Not all people are sexually compatible and thatā€™s ok.

  6. Wow, this is really funny because I see posts all the time suggesting that there has to be reciprocal in terms of oral sex, but I legitimately only receive it because THEY want to do it, not because I like to receive it. If I had it my way, I would just give and be done. I’m really glad to see I’m not alone here, and from the opposite sex nonetheless.

  7. Idk the psychology of it, but I feel uncomfortable when people do things for me. I donā€™t like massages for instance because I donā€™t think the giver is getting anything out of it. I guess I worry about it being a chore or boring for them. I am more than happy to give massages or perform oral though.

  8. You are getting what you want. If you wanted oral in return and were not getting it that is different situation.

    I love to give oral. I donā€™t want it in return. If I was with someone who wanted to give me oral, itā€™s uncomfortable for both of us. I donā€™t enjoy it and/or am refusing someone who enjoys doing it. Compatibility is the important thing, not reciprocation.

    When I go down on a woman, that is my reciprocation. I am getting what I want. Ideally, my partner would feel the same way. Occassionally I have found someone who just wants to be eaten a lot. Thatā€™s perfect for both of us. If you are both happy and enjoying it, thatā€™s what matters.

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