I have been in a relationship for the 3 years and my bf has changed a lot. The initial 3 months were lovely and then he lost his grandpa and couldn’t digest the loss and turned all psycho on me by trying to jump in front of a car, jump from the roof, etc… It took about a year and a half for him to become normal but that mentally affected me to which i felt no emotion except rage. When I told him about this he was supportive of my going to therapy but I could only go for 3 months. After therapy stopped everything became a fight between us. He wouldn’t face time me or even call to check on me. I come from an emotionally absent family and all I know is to spend money I earn so I spent more than 8k a month on him but he would throw that up my face saying that he didn’t ask for it. So we weren’t close but ok the relationship was going. But then around the beginning of February, I found out he was texting his ex who is his cousin and they were on face time and calls every day. He told me that and I told him I didn’t feel comfortable with that but he was like nothing is happening then I went through his phone and saw that girl flirting with him and him asking “is there anything you wanna say?” my friends and I ganged on him and he put all the fault on me saying that I was doubting him and he wanted to end it but I ran back and the relationship hasn’t been the same since we don’t talk much. He’s a guy who doesn’t have serious thoughts about his life like earning or looking after his family which got me into depression
Right now I’m going through medication for hearing self-harming voices in my head but he told me “how mentally weak are you? You can’t control your mind” in the end I told him I wanted to break up but he put every fault he’s ever done on me and even had a mental break down in front of him but still he wanted a answer from me saying that i just fooling around with him and he would leave if i said that.

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