Girls what is the oldest age you would date if you were 19?

  1. When I was 19 I dated a 28 year old and it was not a good choice. With the benefit of hindsight, I would say 22 or 23.

  2. At 19 I never dated anyone more than a year older than me. Anything older than that felt so creepy.

  3. Probably about 25. It’s such a weird stage in life. People just younger than you are getting out of high school and people just older than you feel too adult at times. I just didn’t date around that period

  4. 23 or 24 max, even that’s a big gap in terms of development. When I was 25 I felt like an actual adult, at 19 not at all.

  5. When I was 19, I way overestimated my decision making, wisdom, insight, responsibility, preparedness. I probably would have said something like age doesn’t really matter if the connection feels right. But if I’m making a rule with what I know now, I’d tell my 19 year old self to keep a limit at 24 tops. The age gap limit can grow as you get older, but at 19, you’re just way too susceptible to grooming and manipulation and being pressured into things.

  6. I dated a 29 yr old when I was 18. Thinking of it now…probably not the *best* choice.

    Other than that, it just depends.

  7. Met my partner when I was 19 turning 20 and he is 3 years older and that felt like my absolute max for comfort at the time, so 22

  8. I’m going to give you the rule that I gave my kids(they are all four years apart, currently 30,34,38): you may date *up* to your next oldest sib and two years below your own age. So for you, it would be 23. I wouldn’t advise dating someone two yrs younger though.

  9. At that age you’re likely doing your undergrad. I think there’s a bit gap in terms of stage-in-life between people in school and those that have already graduated and started working full-time. Agree with the 22/23, or like no more than a year-ish into post-university life.

  10. I would say 22. It’s probably not so fun if one person can drink (if you’re in the US where the drinking age is 21) and the other can’t as you’re shut out of most adult social venues.

  11. At 19 I dated a 34 year old guy, we had a right laugh for 4 years and the we moved on. Still mates to this day. Age doesn’t matter when you click with someone.
    That said when asinine repeatedly dates someone much much younger then alarm bells ring.

  12. I’m surprised at the amount of people replying mid/late twenties! I actually just recently turned 19 and am in my first year of university, and I can’t imagine dating someone older than a second year (so a 20 year old, generally speaking).

  13. Mmm, when I was 19 (24 now) I think I was talking to lads 20-25? Now at 24 I would date up to 30. I kinda think of it as ‘if someone x age said they were dating someone x age, would I feel weird’😂

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