Recently I broke up with my gf because I was tired of being rejected and not feeling wanted. To her i am a “pervert” because I broke up over no sex for nearly a year, however to me it was more than sex, the feeling of skin to skin, the connection felt amazing. We also decreased our intimacy (not alot of cuddling, kissing, etc) because she felt I would get too horny if we did. Sadly to say I’m not relived that we broke up, I miss her a lot. I feel like I was too dramatic and I could have fixed things from my end. I feel like I have made a big mistake. I don’t know if this is because I’m upset or what. My heart wants her but my mind says it won’t work long term. Any advice?

tl;dr: broke up with my girlfriend because of no sex. need advice if I am the bad person

  1. Hey, if sex and intimacy is important to you in a relationship then it’s better to end it now than years in the future.

    Maybe do a small ritual to say goodbye to the relationship. Burn a picture, spread the ashes. Something to help you step out of the old and into the new. Good luck.

  2. Humans need physical touch. We need to feel intimacy with our partners. It almost seems cruel to me that she’d withhold cuddling and kissing.
    Does she think you really cannot control yourself? That’s insulting.

    Do I have it right that she just decided after 6 mo of dating to no longer have sex? Because you were together 1 1/2 yrs but haven’t had sex in 1 yr.

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