So last week I (36m) met a woman (38f) for a date everything went good had dinner then went and got a coffee, conversation was effortless and had a laugh we both agreed to meet again but this weekend I’ve a stag party so we agreed to meet up Monday, today I went and ordered flowers and got her favorite wine to be sent to her as a surprise at work when I’ve left, I personally see it as a gesture I’ve wrote on the card have a great weekend and enjoy a glass of wine on me nothing romantic wrote but shows I’ve thought about her that’s it. Was it wrong to do this?

  1. Do not ask the void of faceless text boxes what is okay and not okay in a relationship you are building. There is no permission we can grant or withhold that is meaningful. You have to live up to your choices and deal with the consequences of them.

    If you want things to work with this person; ask them. A simple text like what are your favorite flowers will often open her up to the reception of them. that said showering someone with gifts after a first date can seem clingy.

    Each couple is different. she may find the gesture charming or think it is too much.

    The only way to find out for sure is to speak openly and honestly with her. If she replies with her favorite flower type ask her if it is okay that you send her bouquet? If she is receptive ask her where she wants it sent.

    If the idea of this is you want to surprise her. Well then if she is receptive to it perhaps send a bottle of wine with it or a hand written message along with it. This way you are certain she is receptive to gifts and you still give her a surprise with her expected gift.

    I hope this helps. For sure do not ask Reddit for permission on anything dealing with your interpersonal relationships. Advice sure… permission. NEVER.

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