what do you hide from girls so you won’t get rejected?

  1. Nothing. I am who I am and if you don’t like that then we wouldn’t work together anyway

  2. I don’t hide, I just maintain a wide bearth.

    I don’t engage…

    I don’t stop…

    I keep it moving.

  3. that I have depression and go to therapy, people like you more when they think you’re just the lovable goofy ball

  4. My nerdy hobbies and relationship traumas.

    Edit: sometimes I like wearing certain styles of clothing that are very uncommon where I live. I either get compliments or get roasted like a stuck pig.

  5. Nothing, they’ll find out eventually and then ive wasted both our time.

    Find someone who accepts you for you

  6. Being bisexual!

    Nowadays I’m openly bi and it’s one of the first convos i’m having. But a couple years ago when it wasn’t as widely accepted I had trouble finding ways to ease into it.

    I’ve learned now that it isn’t really an issue for most girls who are straight.. they just want to be able to rely on you not cheating on them.

  7. my testosterone deficiency and the resulting consequences that are still in diagnose

  8. Nothing. Honesty is important and if something about me makes us incompatible, that needs to come up sooner rather than later.

  9. Nothing in particular. I try to be an open book with dating. If they ask somethign personal about md, I’ll answer as truthful as possible. It leads to more interesting conversations and honesty. If they reject me for it, that’s fine. It would’ve only lead to friction at the end of the road anyway.

  10. I always felt I had to hide how much I wanted/liked sexual activity so I wouldn’t get accused of only wanting sex and or a pervert.

    I think I had a high sex drive, even for a man. Could have had sex 2-3 times a day I my teens and early 20s. Could have had it every day in my late 20s early 30s. I never dated any woman that wanted sex that much. Only knew one guy that said his wife wanted it everyday, but she was pregnant at the time so I think her hormones were out of wack.

    It’s funny but my wife and I were kinda talking about this just the other day. We’ve been married over 20 years and I said to her; “You know when we first got married I could have had sex with you every day for the first year or two. She looked at me surprised and horrified. Said she didn’t know that and I said I didn’t tell her that or try and have sec with her that much because I knew she didn’t want to have sex that much. She said that’s good and I was right.

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