M 23 – My brain completely shuts down in group situations sometimes and people i am not very comfortable with in university. There have been numerous occasions when my friends have bantered with me and bevause my brain shuts down i am unable to respond properly. Shuts down as in i become nervous, start mumbling and dont know what to say. What should i do about this? I ignore the banter but it gets to the point where sometimes i become the butt of the joke which i hate. How do i not do so? Obvjously i come off as dumb certain times but its because i cant seem to think of anything.

This and this general feeling of lack of importance and respect. I have noticed that while a couple of friends invite me, call me while i am with a couple of friends from my group i have to put a whole lot of effort than them. As in i have to talk, initiative conversations otheerwise nothing happens and its boring as fuck. And often times i feel disrespected. Now the problem is that i only have this group of friends. I have been with em since 2 years and i am on good terms with some of em but cant seem to converse with a couple of em.
And most of them have other groups of friends and this makes me feel insecure a bit.

What do i do?

1 comment
  1. I feel like sometimes some people or groups just have a hard time initiating conversation and being the person to start and continue are greatly appreciated sometimes. I’ve definitely met people and groups of people where I have had to start and continue the conversation on several occasions in a row and eventually they just start talking. But after awhile if they don’t really show signs of really participating then it’s probably time to look elsewhere for friends because it means that they’re not interested in putting in the effort that you are. All in all though I don’t think you should take it too personally however, because you never know what is going on in other people’s lives as well.

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