When im still having online class in the beggining of the semester, i was invited to a group chat (because we are from the same country). For 2 years, they get along pretty well, except me.. but they still invited me to be one of their group assignments. Then this year, all classes when offline. I always sit alone in class, while they are always sitting together.

At first, i did want to get along with them and leave all my high school issues at the past. But as time passes, i realize that im losing myself, i feel like im just faking my personality or identity or something. They are just not compatible with me. They are trendy and gossips stuff, they have more friends and join organizations, they have social media like instagram. I do not care about gossips, i do not have any other friends when i started college, i do not join organization, and i do not have instagram.

And thats why i decided to just be myself, not chatting unecessary stuff or small talks in the group chat. Refusing to eat or study with them (i know this is bad, but its just twice). And not to get along too much with them

And to be honest, they are not a really good or tolerant people either, i saw them insulting lecturers or other students whenever they are to talkactive, or any smallest mistakes every normal human made. This is also one of the reason i tried to distance myself from them.

I sit alone in class, pretending to not know them. But actions have consequences, of course theyll be laughing behind my back now, insulting me and saying that im an antisocial kid.

We always do group assignments together but they didnt invite me to group assignments now, its awkward for me to ask to join them, and it is also awkward for me to join other groups instead.

What am I supposed to do now? Im sitting alone in class all the time itll be so awkward to suddenly say hi to them. Which group should i join in assigments? What shd i do to solve this awkward situation? What shd i do to be able to be myself?

And for my ‘group friends’: i know you guys probably dont use reddit, but hopefully you are not reading this. If you do, pls dont spread

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