Hello everyone, I am using a throwaway account. I am a 23-year-old single hairdresser in a European country. Over the weekend, I had a customer in his late thirties who was very cute. We had a long conversation, and I could tell he found me attractive. He asked me out, but I politely declined because the age difference was too significant for me. However, after his haircut, he gave me a large tip and asked me again, mentioning that I could make more money. Since I needed extra cash and was curious, I agreed to have a drink with him after work. Initially, he was nervous, but after some time, he asked if I would perform oral sex on him, and if he would pay me well initially, I was hesitant, but since he offered a lot of money, I eventually agreed, and we went to his hotel room. He was polite, and we had another drink and conversation before I performed the act. Interestingly, I felt aroused doing it and enjoyed it (and he seemed to enjoy it as well!). However, I felt awkward afterward, and although he was nice and asked if I wanted to do it again when he is back in town, I am unsure what to think. I cannot talk to my friends about this.

  1. I don’t think it makes sense to tell your friend, everyone has their personal secrets, however, I don’t know what to tell you about what transpired and if it should persist, just do you but don’t lose your self worth over figures.

  2. Don’t tell anyone…what you did wasn’t necessarily wrong, but this is prostitution which is illegal in some countries and is generally looked down upon by society.

  3. You’re going to get some interesting answers here, lol

    It all comes down to your own personal moral compass

    Since you can’t tell your friends, I’d say you probably will have internal doubts and regrets if you continue this…

    But it’s your call, don’t rely on what people would say, ask what you’d say to yourself in the mirror.

    Whether it’s acceptance or hesitation… listen to your gut

  4. Make that bank girl! Take advantage of the situation, if you are both consenting adults and you are enjoying it, then just keep it to yourself and make some money, all the power to you!

  5. Summary

    Guy asks you out. You decline but says he’s cute (translation you don’t find him attractive).

    Guy leads with wallet second try now you’re interested.

    Said guy was nervous to pay for sex(piv) so he settled for oral. He could’ve gone the whole way, if he was more confident/experienced in this.

    During the act you enjoyed the taboo of it. After not so much and you’re mind is trying to comprehend what fully happened. Hence the “I need someone to talk to post(s).”

    How about getting checked for any STDs first and settle the psychological parts after.

  6. Evaluate your choices. Does this work for your morals and values. Is this a aspect of capitalism you are comfortable participating in and doing again? How can you ensure your sexual, mental and physical health and safety. Do what works best for you.

  7. If you like the money, the feeling of being desired and the arousment from it then keeping doing it with him, but you need to think hard about the consequences!

  8. Giving someone oral sex in exchange for money can be a difficult and uncomfortable situation. It is not something that should be taken lightly and it is important to consider all of the potential risks before engaging in any sort of sexual activity for money.

    The first and most important thing to consider is whether or not engaging in oral sex for money is something that you are comfortable with. This is a very personal and intimate act and it is essential to make sure that you are not being coerced into something that you are not ready for. It is important to make sure that the person you are engaging with is also comfortable with the situation and that there is clear consent from both parties.

    If you decide that you are comfortable with engaging in oral sex for money, then it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with it. These include the potential for HIV transmission and other sexually transmitted infections, as well as the potential for emotional trauma due to the intimate nature of the act.

    It is also important to make sure that the person who is paying you for the act is not taking advantage of you. Make sure that you know exactly how much money you are being paid and that you are being paid in a safe and secure manner.

    Overall, it is important to carefully consider all of the potential risks and rewards associated with engaging in oral sex for money. While it can be a difficult decision, it is important to make sure that it is something that you are comfortable with and that you are taking all of the necessary precautions.

  9. I don’t know if it was really bad thing you did as long you had safe oral sex. It could be considered prostitution which most countries consider illegal and immoral. Just be safe out there and have fun at the same time. Peace out ✌💕

  10. Ahh the power of money. If he was in the usa he could pass by every hooters and do the same thing. However, because he’s in europe the hairdresser, Sauna worker, or front counter lady at the gucci store is more common.

  11. How is this related to dating? You aren’t dating or even going to date him. Wrong thread there. Plus the moral police from the US will hunt you down and yell shame on you for sinning. I think there is a thread for working girls. I would post there so you don’t get the judgement police…

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