I’m in my 30s and at the bus stop today was a group of 6 boys all crowded around this one poor small kid bullying him, really wanted to do or say something but they were about 12 or 13 so I just started singing really loud and weird like I’d gone mental to try and distract and scare them, but surely there’s another way?

  1. Honestly probably nothing for risk of being accused of something worse. Sad state of reality. If they are in school uniform you could report to the school or if your area has an anonymous spotted page throw it on there

  2. I’d just challenge them calmly. Young teens don’t generally expect to be challenged and so don’t really know what to do when they are, which means that’s usually enough to put a stop to anything.

  3. Scary to do much at all considering how many stabbings committed recently by this age group. I actually love love love your method of unnerving them away with your sudden song lol! Did it… Work? :’)

  4. Act like your a friend of the kid being bullied and in front of them all ask him if he would like you to do them in,…he’ll likely say no, then tell the others that if you find out they are still af it you’ll be seeing them.

  5. I got bullied at school and the kid in me would have been pleading for you to come and rescue me but in this day and age, you would probably get accused of something.

    Maybe the best thing to do would be to call the police. You’d do that if you saw a gang of adults harassing another adult so why is it OK for kids to be pieces of shit towards each other?

  6. Boy you better mind you business. These 13 year old are bold in packs.. They won’t hesitate to put an ass whopping on you.

  7. Step out of the bus stop, ring 101 or 999, say what’s happening and mention you think one might have a knife. Wait for the sirens.

  8. Unfortunately gone are the days you could chase them off, or let their parents know, or gibe them a whack round the head

  9. All comes down to the age old question, how many kids do you think you could beat up if necessary??

  10. I get my very large dog barking his head off at them. They don’t know he’s doing it for treats. But if you don’t have a large dog handy, just tell them to fuck off home.

  11. Depends on the location and if the group of kids (bullies) are dressed well.

    I will raise my voice to ask them to stop picking on the poor kid and will take pictures or video and then threaten to phone the police to report them.

  12. Say to the leader of the pack, that you f**ked his mum a few years ago, and she was rubbish, and gave you a nasty rash.
    Embarrass them.

  13. “When I tell your dad/grandad you’ve been doing this what will his reaction be”

    Usually these kids are bullying others because they’re get bullied at home so one mention of their dad/ grandad will scare them into acting right

  14. Consider direct distraction. Go to to the victim and just say hi and start talking like you know him. Do your best to ignore the bullys and just start talking about insane shit. This changes the dynamic to a new one that confuses everyone involved and creates space to diffuse the situation.

  15. >I just started singing really loud and weird like I’d gone mental to try and distract and scare them

    This is –

    1. Brilliant. Good on you for having the balls to do that.
    2. Works. Is a common psychological tactic. Derren Brown has used something similar to ward off a mugger.
    3. Gave me a good laugh picturing it. What tune did you go for?

  16. A few years ago I found myself in a similar situation.

    In my town there’s a small ‘skate park’ in the local park & I was walking through to go to the pub. I saw a small group of tracksuited kids gathered around someone sitting on what was obviously a new bike, which the gang were trying to basically take off them.

    The kid on the bike looked a good couple of years younger than most of the gang & were crying, while a couple of the gang were stood holding the handlebars of the bike to prevent them from going anywhere.

    Whilst I’m in no way whatsoever a ‘hard’ man, I’m reasonably well built and have extensive tattoo work done. As it was the summer, I was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and shorts. I’ve been told I can cut quite an imposing figure, but in reality I’m a complete soft-arse.

    I’m normally a massive advocate for not getting involved in other people’s problems, but there was something about this particular situation that really rubbed me up the wrong way so I couldn’t help myself from intervening.

    I walked over and enthusiastically pretended to know the kid on the bike, giving it “Whoahhhh mate! This the new bike? It looks class mate!!” and the ones holding onto the bike instinctively let go of it. I looked around at the gang of kids decked in fake EA7 tracksuits and said “its *his* bike, not *yours*, so piss off”

    I walked the kid home and spoke to his parents about what had happened & it turns out that he was only meant to be riding his bike around his street, but had taken off to the park on his own when nobody was looking. He got a very light talking to from his Dad about why it was important not to go to the park without him going along with him. I still see them around every now & then and they always say hello, the young lad (who I since learned has various learning difficulties) enthuses whenever he sees me out and about.

    TL;DR – My tactic was once to pretend I was good friends with the kid they were picking on & the bullies left.

  17. Pathetic. I’ve been on the receiving end of this and have been stamped on while “adults” walked by doing nothing.

    Grow some morals then stand by them!

    I’ve broken up every fight I’ve seen since then. That’s every single fight I’ve seen in the last 30 years.

    I’d rather be stabbed than deal with the thoughts that I was too pathetic to help a child.

  18. I’d step in. I’d probably push a few of them to the ground and throw my weight around bully them physically. Kids need to be taught a harsh lesson when they act like this. You could change the trajectory of the bully and bullied’s life for the better. Imagine not doing something and seeing on the news the victim had hurt themselves.

  19. I mean, telling them to stop sounds much easier than looking fucking insane by singing out loud 🤣

  20. If it weren’t for the amount of stabbings I would say go over and get involved. I’d check up on the kid after the bullies have backed away for a bit and ask if they want you to call anyone for them

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