Literally, I have been beaten up, called names and been treated like shit by most people around me. The world has been cruel and for some reason being berated by woman for lack of sexual experience/funds or looks hurts my heart were I just want to rip and tear walls, furniture, you name.


It is such a pain and I dont know why being hurt by words of a woman hurts me more than anythign else.

  1. Because in such a situation you can not win vs women as society will always side with the woman no matter the facts.

    I’d argue knowing you’re in a lose lose situation is more painful than whatever nonsense is thrown your way

  2. Its basically a willong participant in ebolution telling you that they deem whatever physical traits you hold so unattractive that you should be the last iteration of that genetic combination. I guess its an existential rejection from an evolutionary perspective.

  3. I’ve never been berated for sexual performance or earning potential. Even my Ex never commented on those topics. If your woman does this, then she’s just a bitch.

    Mitch Hedberg once said, ‘My girlfriend makes me want to be a better person….So I can get a better girlfriend.’

    Yeah, that’s you!

  4. Perhaps it hurts you especially because you desperately want to have a love relationship with a woman but instead you get abuse. Making it seem like your heart’s desire is impossible. And then you look around and see other people who have what you want and it makes you bitter and sad.

  5. Because societal norms tell you:
    1) if it’s happening you deserve it
    2) you’re not allowed to fight back
    3) if it hurts you you’re pathetic

    None of these are true, but we’re told over and over again that they are.

  6. There’s a lot to unpack here. Was your mother hyper critical of you and everything you did? We’re you emotionally/verbally abused? In the event that a woman yells at you; it could potentially incite a repressed emotional memory from your past. It could be something you’ve tried to forget or don’t even remember. It’s bringing up past trauma. Seeking professional help could help you recognise some triggers and maybe offer closure or teach certain coping mechanism.

  7. Read the book No More Mr. Nice Guy asap. It can be read online for free. In short you have unresolved psychological wounds and seek validation from women. Only when you heal these wounds and validate yourself will you be free.

  8. It’s how women do. They know they’d never be able to take us in a straight physical fight, so they go for where we’re least able to defend ourselves, and that’s our ego. Especially from someone who most men are hard wired to want to defend and protect, it almost feels like a betrayal.

  9. Because you aren’t very tough.

    Genitals are irrelevant. There is a very short list of people whose opinions I value. Everyone else can shove it.

  10. If you put a lot of stock in the opinions of random women it hurts. You can go the other way and not do that and it will hurt less.

  11. In what situations do women berate you for your lack of sexual experience or money?

    Like how would anyone even *know* how much experience you have?

    Who are you hanging out with, where this happens frequently?

  12. Because society sides with the women. You can’t fight back. It’s a vulnerable and terrible experience.

    And they know society sides with them. They abuse this fact.

    I know of multiple women who pick fights with guys knowing the guy won’t do shit to her.

  13. Men use their fists, but women use their words. So yeah, if she’s got a mean verbal right hook, that shit will sting for a while.

    Women have more practice with that sort of thing.

  14. Because it’s basically being told “you are such trash your bloodline should end with you”

  15. I have never been berated by women. What sort of women are these? What country and demographic?

    If someone assaults you, you can defend yourself, no matter who it is.

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