Mine was kinda rough at work, I have to admit.

  1. It was a disaster, but every problem that’s happened is a first world problem and I really can’t do anything other than laugh at the situation. If there is something you want to get off your chest, feel free to drop me a DM.

  2. it was okay. good because we had 80° weather here and i also did good with my self owned business

    but bad because i feel pretty lonely and i’m missing my hometown. i’m wondering if i should find a job or do something else with my life

  3. Been terrible. Just like, everything going wrong.

    Kind of want to cry or sleep all weekend or something.

  4. It went. Got to ride my motorcycle to work since the weather was nice, took the dogs to the park a couple times.. so not bad.

    Also just found out today that I’m gonna be a dad.

  5. it sucked ass. i had to give a presentation and i totally choked. and i still have a couple more to give and im really anxious. also feeling really lonely

  6. I’ll vent out unnecessary information, because it’s just the internet so why not… I’m getting over a breakup, and man weeks ago I thought the process was already over, and to be fair the worst part of it already is, but this week for whatever reason has been hard. I’ve been putting 5-6 hours after work to work on a personal project to keep my mind occupied. With all that being said. I’m alive, I have a good job that I like, I have goals, and objectively I should be happy. Soo I think my week was good, how about you?

  7. Really shitty. My life isn’t the best right now, but it’s trending in a good direction and it could be way worse. Thank god for the gym.

  8. Terrible. Trying to do everything to move on from my last relationship but it is haunting me all the time even when I sleep I dream of her

  9. Took a week off for some additional baby bonding time. Dad died the day before my vacay, and I have a household of 6 with pinkeye.

  10. Terrible.

    I’m so sleepy this week for no reason. I work from home though so it was easy enough to just fake being online while I was actually taking a nap.

    Life long skin starvation continuing to eat me from the inside.

    The endless struggle to find a piece of media that doesn’t include sexual or romantic themes so I can enjoy it without feeling like an inferior piece of shit.

    Just a noticeable lack of willpower to even bother this week.

  11. Really shitty, but knock on wood, ended well.

    Found out on Monday that my mom (recovering from surgery to remove a tumor) had been taken to the ER after puking blood. Turned out to be an abscess and they weren’t sure if she’d need another surgery or not, but they couldn’t drain it because of where it was located for whatever reason.

    Finally got word today that the antibiotics seem to have worked and that she won’t need surgery. She got released this morning and sounded really good when I talked to her today. But man what a dark week, had a couple breakdowns with my sister while we waited for news.

  12. Just got back from my road trip, that 2000 km trip ended up being more like 2700 I’m physically and emotionally spent but damn if it wasn’t an experience

  13. Long and hard. But I’m about to shower, make some popcorn, and fall asleep to a cheesy sci-fi movie.

  14. Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my mom passing away. The night before she died we had to make the decision to withdraw life support. Fucking hardest thing I ever did. So, I was a bit tender and mushy inside most of the week.

    But, overall life is good. I have a solid relationship with my wife, whom I love, and we have a young daughter who lights up my world. I am grateful for this life.

  15. I got the cast off my broken hand, ate some amazing fried chicken and my wife had sex with me. So pretty damn good.

  16. Great, offered a new job that I wanted. Got the luxury of deciding whether to stay in my current job or go!

  17. The job that fired me 2 weeks before Christmas, causing my fiancé and i to nearly lose our home, giving us both major anxiety and depression for the last few years, called to hire me after I gained more experience. They had lost their entire team and wanted me back. I got to tell them, “No” and hung up!!! It’s the best closure and catharsis I could’ve asked for!!! I feel like a weight is off my chest. 😭🥹🤣

  18. It’s been pretty damn rough. After months and months of negotiations I’ve finally been denied a job promotion that was promised to me, on top there’s constant fighting with my wife who has been struggling with her mental health for months now. All the time everybody’s been asking how she is. Nobody even seems to be noticing the pressure I’m under and I’m really struggling over here.

    I know it’s going to (have to) get better at some point but right now I feel like I’m drowning.

  19. Monday: best dating app date of all time. Younger, gym going, petite brunette turns up in Lulu lemons and we end up fucking on the hike.
    Tuesday: Why isn’t the steam deck more intuitive?
    Wednesday: hot girl from Monday accuses me of stealing and kicks me out for wanting a shower.
    Thursday: now I have a cold.
    Friday: got prepped for work, played some kids board games with buddies.

    So… 8/10?

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