What are some creative and innovative ways to stay connected with friends and family when you can’t physically be together?

  1. Some creative and innovative ways to stay connected with friends and family when you can’t physically be together are video calls, virtual game nights, and sending care packages.

  2. My best friend and I do video calls. I’ve also occasionally sent her cards through the mail.

  3. I think letters are amazing. When you receive one, it’s a really heartwarming sensation to get them and know that they sat down and poured time and effort into it. they’re also really cool to look back on in the future if you record the dates on them. I like to make time stamps in my letters to show what times I was thinking of them and writing at if I come back to it multiple times.

  4. One of my best friends lives on the other side of the country. During the pandemic, we started doing lunch together one day a week. Basically we would both make our lunches and then get on Zoom and eat lunch and chat. We loved it so much we’ve kept it up. I know more about what is happening in her life than some other friends that I see in person all the time.

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