if your friend says she’s busy to even hang out with you or answer your text does it mean she’s lying or don’t care.

Like I myself work 10 hour shift each day and go to school but I always, always, always make time for my friend.

like she never asked to hangout, or FaceTime or call. I remembered one time she said, she thinks it better if I ask because I’m busy but like why not ask.

also one time I asked her if I could vent to her and she said yeah and when I vented she didn’t even reply. I know venting means to just let everything out but she just like left on read. It’s like she didn’t want to be there but when she wanted to vent about her toxic friends I was there.

I know you don’t know her side of the story but I’ll never get it as well because when I tried to contact her she doesn’t even answer my text.

(sorry if it doesn’t make sense)

  1. If your friend is always like this, it is a bit weird. And if you want to you can just talk to her about that.

    You said you don’t know her side of the story, but we neither. So get her side 🙂

  2. People can definitely be too busy to hang out. If they won’t answer your texts (other than for big exceptional events like they’re at a wedding or something), then they’re not all that invested in the relationship.

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