I don’t know if im being reasonably upset right now or being ridiculous, but i feel as though i can never really count on my husband to help me with stuff he CAN help me with. Example, my car battery has been needing replacement for a while, my husband replaced the battery years ago, so I asked him if he could do it this time or if i should take it in. He said to take it in to get serviced, but that i would be okay to wait a bit longer. Whelp, battery died today and he was like, “okay i’ll go to the store to get a battery” – i’m like WTF you told me to get it serviced!! And that it was fine to wait!!! (I had made an appointment for tomorrow morning – of course battery had to die today though lol). I told him forget it, i’ll call to get the car towed to the Firestone place and he said, “Okay………if you need me to i can jump it.” It seems like a hassle for him to do these things within his skillset. Another case in point, i’ve been wanting a new couch for over a year. I found a couch that has been out of stock the last month and i finally got it as a deal on clearance. I asked him if we could take his truck because we only have 4 days from purchase to pick it up. For the last 3 days he’s come home saying he doesn’t feel well, so he doesn’t want to pick up the couch. I’m getting the hint he doesn’t want to take his truck. I just reserved a uhaul for tomorrow and im going to get the couch myself and also hire furniture movers for a couple hours to take out the old couch and bring in the new one. I just cried tears of pain because i feel like i can’t count on my husband for even harmless yet burdensome tasks. Should i feel understanding that this stuff maybe be bothersome and see where he is coming from in not wanting to do this stuff? I’m just sad but also irritated and i feel resentment towards him.

1 comment
  1. The only person that is able to explain his behaviour is your husband HIMSELF. You should tell him you didn’t understand why he first didn’t want to change the battery and suddenly changed his mind, and why he didn’t tell you that he doesn’t want to help with his truck but claimed to be tired instead. Say you want to under him and ask about his thought process!

    After his answer you can both express your wishes on how such situations shall be handled in the future and then negotiate on a suitable compromise.
    Communication is key!

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