Hello wonderful people! How early is too early to call someone you’re dating “babe” or “baby”? In my last relationship of 3 years we never used pet names because he didn’t like it, but the guy im seeing now has started to call me baby after 3 dates. I want to say it back but it feels unnatural since I’ve never really said it before… what do ya’ll think, I feel so lost! I’m most likely reading too much into it!

Edit: I’d also like to note that we are both looking to be in a committed relationship and are only seeing each other at the moment. We aren’t official yet but it is heading that way.

  1. If you haven’t adopted the dog or cat yet, don’t name them, because if it falls through it will be more heartbreak.

  2. I have kind of learned when they are using a pet name to try to get something from me or win me over and when it is genuine. If it is casually thrown in I am okay with it but I can often tell when it is forced and constantly repeated to try and win my trust/love/body (whichever they are going for). It really depends on what you are comfortable with. Don’t say it back if you aren’t comfortable with it and if you aren’t comfortable with him saying it say something.

  3. Different people feel differently about this. You don’t ever have to call him “baby” back. You can call him a different term of endearment or just not use one.

  4. Correct answer: whatever feels right.

    That said, my current partner and I had pet names after our first date

  5. Whatever you are comfortable with. I will warn that generic pet names used in a casual dating environment might be a cover for player or playette people.

    It is easier to date 5 chicks and call them all baby that way you do not have to remember thier names.

    This may not be the case but you may want to make sure they are also using your given name in equal measure. At least until things are more official.

  6. Just depends on what you’re comfortable with if you don’t like it just politely tell him it’s too soon for the pet names and don’t say it back if you don’t want to. Personally, after three dates I wouldn’t mind it but as I said everyone’s different.

  7. The best pet names are inside jokes that develop over some activity, or miscommunication. All the ‘normal’ ones are too cliche for me to ever want to use.

    My uncle called his wife ‘Dennis’ for some reason (forgot the story).

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