ladies how often have you given your number to a stranger you vibed with without him asking?

  1. I’ve exchanged numbers with a woman once while traveling, because I found out she lived in my city and wanted to be friends.

    Apart from that, I hardly talk to strangers, and never give my number to them.

  2. Once, it was a mistake because he breadcrumbed me and wasn’t really that interested but didn’t want to be upfront or just not reply.

  3. Never. It’s wildly rare that I “vibe with” a stranger, and even more rare that I give out any info of mine to a stranger, but if anything it would be a social media handle, not my number.

  4. I’ve never done that. I prefer to get to know someone first before divulging that sort of information to them.

  5. Never, if he was interested he would have asked for it. I wouldn’t want to put him in an uncomfortable situation where he might feel obliged to take it.

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