I’ve went to a couple of dates with a girl, but lately she’s been giving a lot of mixed signals, although when I faced her about them she said that she’s only stressed from exams and not to worry about it.
The thing is, the transition from what she was and how she used to speak a month ago to now is really a lot, and I can’t tell if she’s still interested or not (although I tried my best to make sure that she understands that she can freely express all her emotions and thoughts with no hard feelings).
What type of mixed signals have you noticed? And what did you do about them? And when did you decide that its better to just stop trying (if you did).

1 comment
  1. Mixed signals can be confusing and difficult to navigate. It’s good that you’ve communicated with her about it and she has attributed it to stress from exams. Here are some examples of mixed signals you might be noticing:
    She takes a long time to respond to your messages, but then sends long and detailed responses.
    She cancels plans or reschedules frequently, but still seems interested in seeing you.
    She’s flirty and affectionate in person, but distant or detached over text or phone calls.
    She talks about future plans or things she wants to do with you, but then doesn’t follow through or seems hesitant to make concrete plans.
    If you’re not sure whether she’s still interested, the best thing to do is to communicate with her openly and honestly. Let her know that you’ve noticed a change in her behavior and that it’s been confusing for you. Ask her if she’s still interested in seeing you, and if there’s anything you can do to support her during her exams.
    If you’ve communicated with her and still feel uncertain or frustrated, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship. If she’s not willing to make an effort to communicate with you or prioritize spending time together, it may be a sign that she’s not as interested as she once was. At that point, it might be better to step back and focus on other areas of your life.

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