(F23) hasn’t been actively dating in like yearsssssss. Then the other day, I simply made the decision to go back outside! Although using the apps for so long, I never really had a connection with anyone or felt comfortable enough to meet with them. Whilst I haven’t given up on the applications, they pale in comparison to real-life interactions. However, the other day I went to a bar with some pals and I noticed a guy seated at a table across the bar with some of his male buddies. We kept looking at one other. He was quite adorable. Well after a few drinks, I had the courage and thought oh what the hell, what do I have to lose lol. And went for it! I got up to his table and asked him what he’s drinking. He said some beer (I was too nervous and forgot it lol) and then I told him I thought he was cute…. And then he smiled and said he’s sorry but he had a girlfriend. And I said oh it’s all good 🙂 and went back to my girlfriends!

I don’t even careeee that it didn’t work out, I’m just proud of myself that I took an action and a risk! Hope this inspires someone 🙂

  1. At least you got back out there and had a positive interaction! Be proud of yourself. We should all be proud of you!

  2. That is AWSOME! Don’t stop approaching people. What bar was that? Hell, I’m single and probably would had kept the conversation going. I would LOVE for a lady to approach me.

  3. I’m so proud of you girl….
    Now tell me the name of the bars you go to more often and I will be there waiting for my opportunity to be your boyfriend if we match. You won’t tell two times. 😘

  4. Hell yeah! Im proud of you! Fuck the rejection you got up and went for it! 👏great 👏fucking 👏job

  5. Hey girl, its all good. Keep trying until you find your prince charming. Some people might not find chemistry or attraction or the vibes are different so all good. And best of luck at your next dates, don’t let one date break u!

  6. Props to you for facing your fears. Just keep trying and being persistent, and sooner or later, it will go your way. Best of luck to you.

  7. Well done. You acted on what you felt. Only if everyone did that (for the positive feelings). I want to start doing this. I think it took a lot of courage for you as a woman, but why not. We like many people in our lives but we don’t do anything about it, do we? From men and women sides.

  8. You took a great risk approaching an unknown guy in a bar.

    I’d like to see you take the bigger risk of finding LOVE inside yourself, because that’s where you find it. It doesn’t come from a man, LOVE comes from you.

    I wish you all the best. In fact, I hope one day LOVE finds you and breaks those chains that bind you.

  9. You weren’t rejected lol. Good job! Keep approaching, more women should approach the guys they find cute and want, instead of waiting for something to happen.

  10. This is no where close to rejection, don’t be hard on yourself, you need something many of us can’t do

  11. Wish more girls were like you-bold and decisive (even if it required some liquid courage 😆). Most of us guys are traumatized by this new world we live in where we walk on egg shells in terms of interacting with the girls. BTW…I agree, you were not rejected just that the guy did not have an ‘opening’ 😆.

  12. I wouldn’t say you got rejected! He was already taken so nothing came of it. But either way, it’s amazing that you didn’t let the outcome affect you! I think the best way to get over rejection or failure (in all aspects of life) is to get comfortable with it and not let it change your mood or personality

  13. Good for you! It sucks getting rejected and it’s scary to approach but for you trying it, I give you full marks!

  14. Funny that women are such strangers to rejection that one is post worthy.

    I’m like., girl, I’ve gone through that maybe a hundred times, lol.

  15. I had a similar situation. I went to a yoga class and this girl gave me good vibes and we chatted a little bit after class. The following week, I saw her in another setting. I thought, what do I have to lose, so I went up to her and asked her for her number. She replied I am married, and flashed her ring finger. I felt proud that I conjures up the courage. It sucks though…So I know how you feel.

  16. I did something similar with the woman that I’m attracted to but it didn’t happen nothing, I just get broke my heart and feelings.

  17. Not to rain on your parade, because it does take guts to approach someone and hit on them, but I don’t think this is post-worthy. What you wrote about happens all the time and the responsibility to do so pretty much always falls on the man because he’s expected to do so. If a man made such a post in this subreddit, I doubt it’d receive anything close to the amount of positive reception this one did. Kinda goes to show the sad double standard we’ve cemented in society.

  18. That’s awesome. I wish more women would shoot their shot. Men are significantly much more approachable than women and are far more likely to be nice and polite rather than rude and mean if they are not interested or unavailable. Also in general women have a much higher percentage and chance of being successful then men when we shoot our shot.

    Don’t lose your confidence continue to be open and good luck!

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