As title says. I just cannot find nerdy women for dating. It’s quite difficult to find them at all, and one would argue it’s because they’re usually inside their homes or going to conventions. I’ll first list what I’ve tried, and then what keeps me from doing more.

Before I say a word, consider I’m from Chile. Keep in mind any cultural differences if applicable. Also, consider I have no friends where I live at, not because I’m unwilling or unwanting to form bonds with others but because I moved some years ago and struggled to find people to share my interests with or folks I can wholeheartedly trust on. Since I moved my RL friends became online ones and now I have online friends only.

I’ve tried everything I can think of, which is probably not a lot, but… I honestly cannot think of more. I’ve tried conventions. I’ve tried GMing roleplaying games. I did try card games one time but it’s a sausage fest with toxic people unless they’re your friends to begin with (and man if I don’t hate keeping up with metagames!). Yes I’ve tried dating apps to no avail, but I’ll address this in a moment.

I’m recently meeting a group of TTRPG players and it’s a rather large one. With just a few women, all taken of course because why would a single woman mingle herself with a bunch of fellas like us. One of them seems particularly fond of me despite each of us knowing each other for not too long (and yes I did notice she’s more affectionate with me than she is with everyone else – I don’t complain though, I’m okay with this), but I guess that’s about it. Yet I have a difficult time keeping up with their conversations over text and with their schedules, so I’ve been silent around them except for a few moments here and there.

Dating apps have been a mess. I got ghosted multiple times. I felt I couldn’t find common ground with a lot of women. Those I did ghosted me for reasons unknown without even a date set up. And I don’t want to try them again since I no longer believe these apps work unless you’re extremely attractive, and unless you have good photos of yourself (and even then they are only good for advertising your IG, selling your OF, etc). And I cannot get good pics, especially since half my face is paralyzed and I’m overweignt (I was getting to do work out, but I got covid and now I’m struggling with the post covid cough. Doctor advised me to not work out until I’m recovered, so I’m screwed up).

To end this up with, I know some will ask why it *has* to be a nerdy woman. Easy: if you somehow happened to connect with me you’ll likely be nerdy yourself. That, and my past relationships taught me that I’m at my happiest when my SO is nerdy herself. I have zero interest in sports, or gym stuff, or traveling (not that I don’t like going to places but, you know, that ain’t something I’d highlight).

Sorry this was longer than I hoped. I’m happy to either get a change of perspective (by me being wrong on some account) or new venues to try things I haven’t really tried. Thanks for reading.

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