Help. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

This guy questions me a lot like “it seems like you don’t even like me” or “you push me away”

Apparently he says I kinda show signs I don’t like him or like I’m friend-zoning him.

I already confessed that I like him and he was shocked because he didn’t know.

So if I don’t send a good morning text he kinda gets butthurt saying “no morning text :(“ at first it was my fault because I would fall asleep and not reply till the next day

But last night I had send a text saying “sweet dreams” he didn’t even read it. It shows “read” on iPhone.

Like he didn’t even open it.

So I thought he was busy because he also told me yesterday he was going to be busy doing errands today so if he didn’t text he didn’t want me thinking he wasn’t interested.

Around 1pm he goes “you didn’t reach out to me so I hope you’re okay and you have a good day at work”

In my head I’m thinking you didn’t even read the text from last night why couldn’t he say good morning first. Why do I always a have to reassure him. He even goes “let me know if you want to even get intimate with me. I was lost bc I haven’t even had sex. He said intimate like kissing and hugging eachother

I send him a selfie of me and he says I’m so beautiful and I respond with heart eyes and just read it.

1 comment
  1. This is sounding like he is very clingy and requires a lot of reassurance, possibly more than normal.

    If it’s an unhealthy clinginess, that can be an anxious attachment style, possibly due to a past relationship or his relationship with his parents or just generally being anxious. That’s something he would have to work on.

    If you’re unable to meet his reassurance needs and he is unable to work on his clinginess, then it could be a mismatch.

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