I’m not a huge football fan (soccer) but I know a lot of people who watch European football here in the states.

Does the NBA get any attention in Europe?

  1. >Does the NBA get any attention in Europe?

    Not in Germany. If you arent actively looking for it you wont hear anything about it.

  2. I can’t speak for countries where Basketball is popular like Greece or Spain or Serbia, but in Germany, it’s a very tiny niche. Dirk Nowitzki is very popular and I guess people are proud that a German was big in the NBA. But they saw him more in TV ads than playing basketball.

    The NFL isn’t exactly popular either, but way more popular than NBA.

  3. Basketball is not the most popular sport among Italians (unlike the much-loved football), but there are enough lovers of it. In a public garden in my town there are even two basketball courts and they are practically always occupied, I also know some people who have started to play it competitively. I confess that I am not a basketball fan (I am more of a football fan), but I find it very beautiful to look at.

    I have never watched the NBA, unlike my uncle who always watches it on television, and there are people who like it a lot; you can be sure, however, that it is covered (even partially) by our sports press.

  4. I don’t follow it personally, and it hasn’t a massive following or anything, but I know (so it might be subjective) a considerable amount of people who follow the NBA very closely and are very big fans.

  5. Luka is on the news every week.

    NBA as a whole.. not so much.

    Its tough, watching games at 3am when you have to wake up in the morning.

  6. In Belgium football is king. It might me more popular in countries like Serbia though, where basketball is almost as popular as football.

  7. It was somewhat popular in the 90ties with MJ and street basketball being somewhat popular back then. It faded and hardly anything is heard of it in Austria these days. Apart from the Superbowl hardly any US sport event makes it to our screens these days. The domestic and European Football leagues and competitions, F1 and skiing competitions just soak up all sports timeslots.

  8. There definently are fans and following but in the big picture it’s pretty marginal. Compare to NHL whose scores are published daily by any big newspaper.

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