I’ve never experienced this type of issue before, so I figured Reddit was the answer.

I 25(F) recently started dating a 30(M). Every time we try intercourse, I cannot get his dick hard. I have felt it twitch occasionally, but otherwise I’ve never once felt it erect in intercourse, morning wood, etc. The first time, I chalked it up to nerves, but there’s now been 5-6 times to no avail.

My gut reaction was nerves or ED, but he is an incredibly healthy guy, does a lot of cardio, making him pretty underweight. I’m also realizing he has more experience, so I doubt this is completely nerves?

Could I just not be his type? I’m fairly curvy – have the same height, weight, proportions as scarlet Johansson. I always thought I looked good, but he barely weighs 15 lbs more than me at like 6 foot something, so I’m wondering if that might be the issue.

I’ve also just discovered he’s incredibly close friends with two of his exes, both of whom he’s confessed he never had this issue with and look nothing like me.

I think he’s too wholesome to be watching too much porn. I’ve been reading on how being overweight can cause this, but could being underweight cause the same thing? Or maybe I’m just intimidating?

TLDR: has anyone here been underweight and experienced ED because of it?

  1. All sorts of health issues can cause issues. Edit: Especially if morning wood doesn’t seem to happen, he might want to talk with a doc

  2. Have you tried talking to him about it yet? It’s his dick so he might have the answers and can give you some information or reassurance as to what’s going on.

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