A lot of the time when I meet someone I vibe with say at work for example. I mostly wait for them to start the conversation. otherwise I feel I come off as to needy or clingy if I start the conversation or go sit with them for lunch or something. I feel like I’m unwanted unless they invite me. Does anybody else feel this way?

A true story to illustrate what I mean. a couple years back when I was working this factory job. I made a small group of friends. At lunch they would invite me to eat with them so I ate lunch with them every day. But for our morning break I would eat by myself. I would want to eat with the group but I felt they would not want me there or I was being to needy or they didn’t invite me to chill with them so I shouldn’t go.

1 comment
  1. Maybe you’re being too hard on yourself. You are you and you need to accept that first before others will accept you for it.

    You’re not social awkward you’re socially inexperienced.

    Next time say hey where are we eating lunch rather then assume you’re not invited.

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