Some of my male friends, very often tell me that if, they don’t give in when arguing with their partners, their partners “pout” and they do not have any type peace of mind until they apologize.

I think that this is very unfair and manipulative and not how you are supposed to act when two people (or more) have a disagreement.

Does this happen often to you guys?

How do you deal/dealt with this behavior with your partner?

*I apologize for any gramatical mistakes, English is not my first language.*

  1. My partner and I don’t really argue. We have differences of opinion and disagreements, but both of us are capable of talking through those without making it personal or holding a grudge.

  2. No I mean we’re both stubborn as hell sure lol but we eventually always come to a resolution and never go to bed angry with each other. We both compromise its give or take for both. It’s how relationships work.

  3. That’s toxic behaviour. Creating unnecessary chaos to get their way. I’ll talk to them and try to pacify the situation. If this becomes an often occurrence then I’m done.

  4. This is toxic behaviour. I’ve never dealt with it from a partner. I’ve experienced it in friends, acquaintances and colleagues, all of whom lost my respect after doing this.

    I think in practice *very* few people can effectively resolve conflict. This is just one of the more common ways to fail to do so.

  5. Pfft. Quite the opposite, my friend. 90-95% of the time I do not cave. There is no reason to. I don’t mind the silent treatment because I am already a very quiet person. Works for me. Pout away because giving into that is not a good dynamic to establish.

    I should probably try to patch things up a lot more though. She can’t be in the wrong that often, can she?

  6. It depends on the woman I’m with, but in general with a lot of women it does seem like you have to give in. Even though there’s all this talk about treating them equally and all that. It’s different when it comes to a gf/wife though, they are someone you know personally and are able to reason with not as much difficulty.

  7. >their partners “pout” and they do not have any type peace of mind until they apologize

    oh no


    Would they not have more peace of mind in the long-run by not being pushovers?

    Curious, as a woman what’s your opinion of your guy friends when you know they think like this?

  8. What’s your opinion on it OP?

    How do you think as a woman that a man should handle that type of situation?

  9. In a healthy relationship (imo) you pick your battles. Some things are important enough to hash out, others just aren’t. The problem comes when she wants the fight more than she wants to get her way on something. You can’t win that one no matter what you do, so you just make your best call at the time (and in my case with my ex, re-assess the relationship).
    There really ARE times where being “right” is less important than “peace,” but it isn’t always the case.

  10. If a man is constantly placating a woman that is a very unhealthy relationship for both partners. If one partner is always getting their way they are most like a narcissist, or something similar.

  11. Nah, going to agree with the others. It’s manipulative behavior. It’s a lame attempt to win an argument through other means.

    Thankfully my partner isn’t like that, but I’ve dated girls who did this kinda stuff. I could be right but I said things in a bad tone of voice, so I was actually wrong and needed to apologize. The only thing I learned was how to apologize to myself for wasting so much time on crap relationships.

  12. Yep, I don’t have a partner but in the past that’s been the case.

    Also your English is great.

  13. Nah, my wife gives in as much as I do… well, maybe a bit less. She never pouts or holds that kind of grudge like some other women do. I dunno what I’d do about that – compared to other issues I’ve seen between couples over the years that’s a minor one, but it grows roots of doom into a relationship very fast. I guess I’d talk it out with her and hope she’s reasonable.

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