I just met a girl on Tinder about 3 or 4 days. We were a match. She has a very pretty picture, and she even had a blue verification check mark. At some point, she invited me over to Telegram. I have not given her any personal information, and our conversation has been very cordial. Asked if we could meet up for coffee. She said not right now because she is taking care of her pregnant sister. She finally ends up telling me she is a day trader for crypto. Just few minutes ago, she starts telling me I can jump in on some investment deals. I’m like no thanks. I asked her to send me a pick and if she has a Facebook account. She stopped responding. WTF?

  1. Get used to it, its always the same plot and always crypto, dont fall for it and in most cases its asian profiles

  2. My friend just told me this same thing. He’s low iq and fell for it. He’s 20k in debt now and is fucked. It was on Hinge

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