Guys who are happily married or long-term relationships: how long did it take you to start crushing on her?

  1. To start crushing is not really the thing – to find out that you both are comfortable living with each other is way more important. You have that other person around you. A lot.

  2. i never got a chance to. she found ME, and shortly after, we mutually decided we’d better stick together because not many people could tolerate us longer than a few weeks 🙂

  3. crushes are usually instantaneous for me, wanting to be in a relationship with someone is what takes time

  4. Few months. Turned into friendship and slowly progressed. No honeymoon, no buterflies. 22 years together.

  5. With her? Before I met her as she was walking toward me. About 30 seconds into the conversation, the crush was totally on.

  6. I did pretty much from the moment I met her. Took four more years until we started dating though. Still crushing on her 18 years later.

  7. You’re supposed to have feelings for them *before* you get into a relationship. Doing it the other way around is…retarded.

  8. The second our eyes locked on each other. I saw her stunning blue eyes from across the room and just knew I had to have her.

    Introduced myself, asked her out. After our first date, I told my best friend that I knew I would marry her.

    We just celebrated 30 years. You just KNOW.

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