How do you deal with moody friends who are generally nice but every once in a while act like a jerk?

  1. I try to be patient and also remind myself that it must be more challenging to be their SO than their friend

  2. Everyone has a bad day, it’s human to sometimes be a jerk. It would ultimately depend on what they’re being a jerk about.

  3. They’re not exactly friends, but they are people that I sail with. I just remind myself that they’re drunks.

    Some of these people will get so mad at each other over nothing. If you saw how they acted and how they talked about each other you would think that they would never, ever speak to each other again. Three or four days later they act like nothing happened and just go back to being friends

    They don’t treat me that way, because I don’t participate in verbal altercations period so that kind of sucks the fun out of bothering me

  4. Give them their space and don’t push their boundaries. People internalize and react to stress differently than others.

  5. I remind myself that they are a human being, just like me, and that they must be having an off day. I’ll ask them if there’s anything I can do for them, and usually I’ll give them a bit of space.

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