What would you do if you were leaving a club at night and was suddenly getting robbed at gunpoint?

  1. Pull out the emergency chicken and watermelon i carry for these incidents, then sneak away while they celebrate.

  2. It entirely depends on wether or not I’ve been drinking or not. If not, I have my concealed handgun on me and I may draw if it would be advantageous for me to do so. You don’t draw if you’re already facing down a barrel. He or she can have my wallet. I rarely have cash and the cards can be turned off instantly. Especially if I have been drinking and I don’t have a firearm. You gotta assess the threat and act accordingly.

  3. I’m not dying for my wallet.

    And yes, I conceal care sometimes. And no, I’m still not dying for my wallet.

  4. I don’t carry cash or anything super valuable so if they take my wallet with my cards I’ll just cancel them the second they’re around the corner.

  5. Don’t carry much, they’re welcome to it. Not going to start shit for some cards and a mediocre smart phone while staring down a barrel.

  6. Give em my shit. Ask respectfully if I can keep my ID because it’s a bitch to replace.

    Ain’t nothing I keep in my pockets worth dying over and as tough as I am I ain’t bulletproof.

  7. Depends on the night. Most of the time, I’d probably try to keep everyone calm, and just give them what they want.

    Sometimes, I might ask them if it’s really worth shooting me. I may be a bit too depressed to value my life that much, and frankly I don’t like bullies. So if they’re going to make threats, then they’d better get on with it or fuck off.

  8. In a calm voice say, I don’t have money, but what I do have is a particular set of skills…

    Then finish the line when I wake up in the hospital.

  9. I had only one more stamp to go on my yogurt land rewards card🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  10. When I was in college, I had a friend who was a black belt in Chinese Kempo. He taught me and a few other friends of ours some self defense. His advice for how to handle getting robbed at gunpoint was this special move:

    1. Carefully reach behind your back
    2. Put your hand in your pocket
    3. Pull your wallet from your pocket and hand it over.

    Bullets so much faster than you that your eye can’t follow the bullet. You can’t defend from it. Just hand over your wallet, walk away with your life, and later, call the credit card companies and banks and get new cards.

  11. Obviusly a 360° kick straight to the gun and then when he’s in shock a second one in the jaw, all of this in at least 2 seconds (i have a break leg)

  12. Try to talk them down from doing something so they don’t get caught later, hopefully leading to helping the person instead. They might just be desperate for a meal or something. If that fails I’ll just give them my wallet, I’m not getting shot over replaceable crap.

  13. they can take my wallet and jewelry. Cards I can just lock the replace. Jewelry can just be bought again. I’m going to request to keep ID card though. Too hard to replace that.

  14. Ask them if they find any money on my cards to tell me where they found it because I’m broke af.

  15. Proceed to have a heart attack and tell them to can the ambulance…. But not for me as I pull out my pistol

  16. Woman here, got robbed at knife point for all my tips leaving the bar I worked for at 3 am. My boyfriend bought me a gun and 600 rounds of ammo to break the gun in. I practiced drawing the gun from my bra, my thigh, my inner waste band hundred of times, over and over and over.

    If they try me again, i’m going to blow their face off, that’s what I would do.

  17. I’d just have them shoot me if they have the guts for it. I don’t have any family or pets to take care of and I don’t have any interest in replacing my things. Losing my phone could easily mean losing my job and then what?

  18. Different situation, but a man on a bike caught up to me on a sidewalk. A suburban neighborhood. He lifted his sweater and revealed the handle of a long blade. He yelled at me.

    I ran into the street and stood in the paved meridian, waving at a car down the road.

    He biked away. Friends told me I could’ve rushed him, and that that they would’ve tried. But I’m happy with what I did. On the way home I called the police and gave them a description. I was shaken for a few weeks, but now I feel normal.

  19. My friend and I actually got jumped, slapped when I was younger. I had a .380 in my waist but I let it slide because I did not want to kill him people are stupid. Ego will ruin your life. I have a few friends who did not make it because of ego. I never pulled my weapon. My friend killed a guy a year later.. he is now dead also

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