been casually talking to a guy for a couple months, went on a date and slept over at his house within the last month. he told me he had a good time and enjoyed my company multiple times. he’s also texted me every single day since january. we had sleepover #2 planned for this pst wednesday, he cancelled and rescheduled for thursday because he’s been dead tired with no sleep and shitty week due to terrible room mate. i said i understood and that i’d go over the next day. next day rolls around and the same thing happens but without a reschedule. and no word from him since really. he’s active on socials. i texted him yesterday asking if i should leave him alone and give him space and he responded “no?”.

what do i make of this?? it’s eating me up.

  1. At this point I think it’s a good idea to both be on the same page what you guys want out of this. It appears you two are in on different levels right now and I think a candid conversation would be beneficial.

  2. If you’re *not* in an *exclusive relationship* you shouldn’t behave as if you are.

    People who behave as if they’re in an exclusive relationship when does *not* exist are usually hurt the most if things don’t work out, they’re rejected, or ghosted because they’re *emotionally invested*.

    If you were looking for a job, you wouldn’t stop sending out your resume just because you had a couple of great interviews with one company!

    Until an offer has been made and accepted both the company and the candidate are within their rights to interview with others. It should go without saying if you meet anyone who *maintains an active online dating profile* odds are *they are keeping their options open* and so should you!

    Engaging with and dating multiple people also helps you avoid becoming *emotionally invested* too quickly in someone you *barely* know. It hurts less if things don’t work out because you weren’t *all in*.

    ***”If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you. You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot.”*** – Unknown

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

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