I stopped telling men that I am on a pill cause they usually think it means we can have sex without a condom. Why so many people are not afraid of infections? Especially during some one night stand?

  1. Totally false I know I sure as shit don’t want the clap let alone the big viral 3

  2. People also smoke, drink and use drugs knowing they are bad for health and can make you dizzy enough to hurt yourself somehow.

    It’s a choice. But in this case the choice must be made in two, and if you feel like they are trying to pressure you into not using a condom, it’s a red flag. Some people even do stealthing, putting off the condom without telling you.

  3. Some dudes (actually many) are just gross… remember though, if they arent scared of *getting it*, they arent scared of *giving* it either… so stay clear of those gross dudes.

  4. It goes both ways. I’ve had a surprising number of women try to get me to fuck them raw as well, telling me they were recently tested and they’re on birth control (or even “just pull out” lol).

  5. I have had sex with A LOT of women.

    And yes…I have been afraid, but for some reason we just end up doing it anyway. When I was younger I always used condoms. Wasn’t until I had a vasectomy that I just stopped caring. I have been extremely lucky so far, and now dating someone I will be with for a long long time, so not worried now. But the answer as far as I as my case is in the moment, no we don’t care.

    The next day though all we think about is how fucking dumb we were tho

  6. I never had sex outside of marriage, so no.

    In your particular case, keep not telling them you’re on the pill. Remember that men who are listening to the smaller head are not always thinking clearly.

  7. Well, there is really no need to be afraid of those if you don’t have an active sex life.

  8. I’m not afraid because I don’t do casual sex but it’s certainly puzzling why so many would be so careless.

  9. I’m a virgin and frequent blood donor. Even though I used to work in a quite risky environment, a morgue and several labs, I would’ve known if I had any issues by now.

    Had a chance presented itself for me to be with someone, I’d demand some info regarding diseases and would still prefer to have condoms, not only for diseases but because I want no child of mine in this timeline.

  10. Modern medicine will save you from damn near everything these days. For me, I just dont bother about worrying about everything that can kill me and just live like I can trip on the sidewalk, hit my head, and die at anytime.

  11. To be honest, I’m actually too dumb about STDs to be allowed. I mean, I hardly ever have sex so it’s not a lot too worry about. But I sure as hell would have to read up on STDs. And then I’ll probably be more afraid as well.

    Also I think that Sitcoms play with STD jokes so much that it makes people think less serious of them.

  12. Well I got a cold sore/herpes before I had any sexual contact. I think I got it from a Michael myers mask one Halloween or from a friend in 7th grade we used to share drinks. So I don’t right away say “hey I have herpes you still want to date” but I’ve been tested and I’m all good down there. Soooooo I guess if the woman seems responsible and clean and like she takes care of herself I’m ok with no condom.
    My current gf and I don’t ever really use condoms but with my ex of 12 years we almost always used condoms. 🤷 my current gf actually kissed me before we could discuss it and then she told me one time that she had gotten a cold sore/ herpes as a kid and they never came back?

  13. I wouldn’t say I’m not afraid but I understand the risks and have deemed them acceptable. My pool of partners is not large and I get tested regularly. Plus most STIs are treatable or at least manageable with medication.

  14. 35 / I’ve slept with a lot of women around the world, unfortunately I’ve been bitten by STDs 3 times over the last 20 years. Everyone should get tested and tarp up for the good of your own health. I didn’t listen to this advice.

  15. I’ve literally fucked hundreds of guys bareback and only ever had the clap once – depends on where you live really but if you are sensible you can avoid STDs fairly easily.

  16. Yeah, but that’s a two way street. I’ve had girls tell me that they were already pregnant so I could cum inside them.

  17. I’d be curious to know how much of the average population of both men and women get full panel testing done, with any degree of consistency, if they’re having raw sex. It’s so taboo for some reason still.

  18. During my single days, I was much more likely to insist on using condoms than the women I was with. Part of that is just young people thinking they’re invincible. Yes, guys usually prefer not to use condoms, but they’re not the only ones. And when you’re about to have sex, a lot of people throw common sense out the window.

  19. Those are the kind of people, male or female, that its best to avoid. That kind of irresponsibility is certainly going to touch all other aspects of their life too.

  20. I use a condom every time. I’ve had girls say “you don’t have to” but that makes me wanna use one more

  21. I think most people generally hate condoms. Both men and women, and the most common problematic STIs are treatable. The risk of HIV, Syphilis, etc is lower than Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.

    Not condoning unprotected sex. Just saying. Though as I’ve gotten older and dealt with STIs I’ve become more cautious. Most women I know are equally as cautious. I think if you look at numbers too it reflects that; STI rates are higher in younger people who have less experience and/or are more carefree.

  22. I mean, goes both ways, every girl bar one I’ve slept with have asked me to “finish inside me” and “I want to feel it raw” so I’ve stupidly done just that, I do get tested though.. well I did back when I actually got some, bit of a dry spell atm hah.

  23. Never had the talk, but I did have the STI prevention assemblies multiple times in high school, plus sexuality classes in college that thoroughly have my timbers shivered

  24. No I’m terrified to the core. I wear the rubber if my partner didn’t do an std test.

  25. One of my brothers was the man-whore of Victoria, TX and I couldn’t stand his constant bragging followed by, “Is this something I should be worried about?”

    A few years ago, he had been married for a few years and my mom was talking about past flings with men before she met my (step)Dad and she’s talking about how she wouldn’t sleep with him because he had genital herpes.

    My brother and his wife give this really awkward look to one another, and I fell out of my chair laughing.

    I was pressured/guilted into my first time and she tried to get not to wear a condom. I did but that didn’t stop me from being convinced I had “Herp-igonal-syphil-AIDS!”

    I’ve had unprotected sex once and I was so terrified about “what ifs” I couldn’t finish.

  26. This is one that I’ll never understand about men.

    Like, dude… if you don’t prioritize your sexual health enough to bring and wear a condom, you are NOT someone I wanna be sleeping with. Ick.

  27. It really depends on the person if I would go without. My ex GF and I talked about very deep shit before having sex, so I trusted when she said she was clean and vice versa. Someone random from a bar I always wrap it before I tap it.

    Looking back I should have probably still tested with my ex gf and discuss results together, since it is the safest most honest way.

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