If so, what do you feel are the ramifications for the US foreign/domestic policy?

  1. Following little bit, ramifications, I’ll probably get proven wrong but I don’t really see anything crazy happening, no on is leaving NATO right now that much I know for sure

  2. Yes.

    But honestly, I’m not a fan of any French politicians. Honestly, most European politicians.

    Macron is…interesting to say the least. Hard to get past the teacher wife thing tho. He’s also the most aggressively French looking person to ever walk the earth.

  3. As far as Russian relations nothing much would change. Le Pen is just more open about it.

  4. yes. not really Macron’s biggest fan, but still a huge relief that he won.

    I don’t think there are any real ramifications for US domestic policy, but massive ones for foreign policy. A Le Pen victory would have been a huge blow to NATO’s solidarity, and hugely weakened the EU, which would have complicated the US’s involvement in the European security architecture, and complicated the pivot to Asia.

  5. Yes. I want Le Pen to fail. That’s my primary emotion on it. Not a fan of any of them but she seems the most like a wannabe Trump style idiot leader so I hope she fails.

  6. Yes I don’t like either option. All though Le Pen would make NATO and the EU very interesting. Not the good kind mind you but the europoors have had it too good for too long.

  7. Yes.

    Le Pen was a nightmare. I get why people are upset, but she would be a disaster.

    I would not be surprised if it comes out that she was bought off by Russia. It wouldn’t be the first time a French political leader was bribed to support a dictator.

  8. Huh, didn’t even know the French were having or just had an election. This is my first time hearing about it.

    Regardless, there will be no impact on my friends, family, or self for who ever wins/won the French presidency.

  9. Very much so. France is an important country on the world stage and the implications for the current Ukraine/Russia situation, as well as the potential long-term impact on the global power structure, are immense.

    I’m pulling for Macron because he’s the lesser of two evils in my opinion. And as an American, choosing the lesser of two evils is something I’m very familiar with.

  10. Absolutely. Le Pen kind of makes me nervous. It seems like she’s gotten a lot more popular over the last time she ran. From everything I can tell it looks like Macron is still a pretty strong favorite. I’ve tried to follow the polling, but there are a few differences between US and French methods.

  11. I’m extraordinarily relieved that Le Pen didn’t win. We don’t need another right wing fuckwad running a country. Plenty enough as it is.

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