So me and my ex broke up around a year ago. At that time he didn’t want to try to be friends or stay in each others lives, which I understand, because he went back home to a different state and didn’t want long distance or anything. So I came to terms with this and accepted what happened and have worked from moving on from that situation (which was major to me because we talked about a future together). Anyways, about two weeks ago now I got friend requests from him on different social media platforms. This happened right before his birthday, and when his birthday came around he posted some pictures of him and his new girlfriend and has now recently added that he’s in a relationship on his profile (after adding me). I guess I’m just so confused by this and trying to make some sense as to why he would add me after a year when he didn’t want to keep contact and especially now that he’s in a relationship. Is it nothing and am I just overthinking things?

TL;DR – Me and my ex broke up around a year ago and he recently randomly added me on social media after wanting no contact

1 comment
  1. Yeah you’re overthinking.

    I tell exes to remove me (I remove them too), after a few years when we’ve moved on, they’ll usually add me back. Whether it’s b/c they wanna show me they’ve moved on, curious if I’ve moved on, want to have a person to talk to/be friends with.. I don’t care.

    So it’ll only mean something if you want it to mean something.

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