I’ve been in relationships on and off for 9 years. I’ve never once checked a social media following because I am very mindful of space and believe that their business is their business.

I checked bfs Insta for the first time, he was pulling away and I didn’t really expect cheating but was doubting him as a person. I decided to check and talk face to face if I felt something was off, for both of our sakes.

I don’t know how Insta works lol. He has a big following imo of 2500. So maybe he just follows random people. But he is following about 500 random girls from our city, somewhat small accts with only 300-1000 followers. they all have similar descriptions with our city name and usually a local college. they are all around our age. None of the photos have tags and I don’t know how he is finding these really small accounts.

Btw, he has never hung out or text with a girl friend since we’ve met, he moved to America about three years ago and only has guy friends here. He doesn’t go out to party either.

My thoughts – 1. Maybe these were accts from before we met (but some seem new?) 2. He is trying to get follow backs so just follows random people? 3. Something devious lol. 4. It’s nothing.

I’m trying not to confront until I see something very concerning and I don’t know how concerning this is. I’m not bothered that he is following them but I just want him to be honest about what’s going on. I’m even ok with an open relationship I just need the truth. Again I’ve never checked something like this before and don’t know if it’s worth a convo. Thanks guys.

Tl;dr: I dont suspect bf of cheating but his Instagram following is weird to me, wondering if I’m overthink or what is the best way to approach telling him I was snooping around and think his following list is weird…🥸

  1. I assume he uses tinder and adds them when you’re “not on”. Assuming you’re monogamous, which he may not be.

  2. There are different sorts of people and all you said could be possible

    I would first try and gauge what sort of person he is before talking.

    Does it / should it bother you? Thats something you need to determine and why

  3. I don’t see anything abnormal about what you’ve described here. Someone in their early 20s having 2k followers they’ve never met might sound strange to an older generation, but it’s pretty common these days.

  4. Sounds like he’s a bit of a creeper, honestly. But it is tough to tell from the information provided here.

    What were the reasons you decided to check in the first place? That seems relevant here. What do you mean you were “doubting him as a person.”

  5. Might have been said here already – they might follow him so he follows back. That’s how they grow their numbers. As long as he isn’t messaging them, that is probably the reason. Without invading his privacy, if he lets you look through the account, see if they follow each other and if there are messages. OR you could just ask him this

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