Outside of work, what are you passionate about?

  1. Tattooing. I do it for free now for friends and family. It used to be my job, but the atmosphere/community became too toxic and competitive, to the point where I didn’t enjoy it anymore

  2. Grabbing the sweet tender breasts…of a fried chicken sandwich and stuffing it in my face.

  3. Not even passionate about work.

    I love books and writing. Love learning about world building, writing technics, character development stuff like that. Makes me a better reader and makes me appreciate more the work writers put into it.

  4. I am rather fond of reading, building models, and interacting with any TCGs. Games, too, but not the same passion level

  5. Hockey

    Comic books

    Collecting vinyl (mostly metal)

    Hiking with my pup

    Watching horror movies

    Reading esoteric books on the occult

  6. I like combat sports and I’ve done some light carpentry. Still pretty new to the later.

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