Well, I was finishing a short hike yesterday when a noticed a girl walking behind me. After 5 or 10 minutes I said something like “are you following me?” as a joke, and it sparked a conversation that ended when we both arrived to the parking lot. Smooth conversation, we both laughed a lot.

At the end of the conversation I asked for her name and her number, saying something like “I would like to get your number so maybe next time we can hike together”.

I sent her a message for her to save my number and the conversation ended with “the next time I go hiking I will text you if you want to come”.

I would like to wait a couple days and text her and talk to know her more, but I believe it would be weird since the excuse was always the “hiking” thing. Also I would’nt know how to start a conversation from the cold via text.

Should I go hike as an excuse to text her?

  1. Wait untill the weekend I’d say, unless you’re really trynna go hiking every other day

  2. There’s no need to wait. Just text her with a good afternoon maybe reference back on something you talked about

  3. maybe wait until ur next planned hike or text her tmrw ,,hey i will be going on a hike on (day of the week), would u like to join me?”

  4. Start making a hiking plan for this weekend. You don’t have to wait until just before you go to text her. Say “I’d like to go hiking again this weekend. If you’d like to join me, what day would be better for you?” Then you’re giving her options and not just assuming she’s going to come along. Smooth and considerate is a great look. Good luck!

  5. I would make a little joke – like “Hey I’m thinking of going for a little hike to [bar/coffee place], would you like to come along?”

    After my first date with my partner, I texted asking if he liked coffee. He said yes, so I asked “do you like coffee at the Starbucks in the bay on Wednesday at about 5?” and he messaged back saying “so weird- that’s exactly where and when I like coffee”.

    Big fan of a cheesy lil’ line lol

  6. I know you mentioned hiking. That’s cool. If I were her, and interested, I might prefer a coffee date first, to get to know you a little more….during which we could plan a hike if every goes well 😊

  7. You both know the hiking thing is an excuse to date. Ask her to do hiking plus eat together.

  8. You have fun. That’s what you do next. Have fun and do you best to make sure she does as well. Anything beyond that is overthinking it.

  9. Aww… as a hiker female, I used to get this as well. Ask her if she’ll like to hike, and afterward if she wants to grab a drink or a coffee. I always love getting something refreshing after a hike or a small bite.

  10. Unfortunately she is now your permanent hiking partner. Once the choice is made, it cannot be undone. This is the way.

  11. “Hi, it’s Toyourpc from the hiking trail the other day. It was great meeting you. Would you want to go on a date, maybe a drink or a cup of coffee some time? I’d love to continue our conversation.”

    Easy peasy

  12. As others have said; Going hiking is no excuse. That was your intention as a date. Maybe you can take her to a trail you’ve done before, that you would genuinely like to show her.

  13. “Im gonna go hike [X] on [Day]. Want to join? Maybe we can grab a bite to eat after? Maybe call it a date?”

  14. No if you want to see her text her don’t wait. You don’t need to do a hike to see her if she gave you her number she is interested too

  15. She certainly put the ball in your court. I like the idea of “hiking” to a bar or something, but message her again asking if she wants to go hiking again. Pick another hiking spot though. Like this is the perfect opportunity to ask her out. Go, do it.

  16. Hiking or whatever , it’s about doing things that provoke thought , getting you to know each other . .
    The discovery is the thrill .
    Meet at the grocery store , grab a basket not a cart . Walk slowly thru the fresh veggies , fruit , and produce .
    Smell em , handle em , get the brain and senses stimulated. .
    You should have pre Packed some items for the picnic you’re gonna have.
    Now drive out someplace where you can walk a little to the perfect spot to see an amazing sunset , and the moon and stars without light pollution from the city . Watch the weather for good cloud patterns for the sunset . And the phases of the moon for the big full ones where it looks best.
    Walk slow .
    Talk slow.
    Listen to her with more than your ears.
    Do not let her touch a door handle on anything . Anticipate her every need and meet it .

  17. She wants you to be authentic. So, if you feel like texting her today, text her.

    You can suggest that each person brings a favorite simple hiking treat. In the winter months, I like to bring something war in a thermos. In the warmer months, I like to bring fresh fruit. Baked goods are always in season.

    You should also know that she may want more safety about hiking with someone she just met. She may want to meet in a public place first. have fun!

  18. Next time you want to go hiking, text her a day or two before and invite her to go. If she can’t go, try to arrange for a next time at that point. Be normal. Casual relationships with a mutual interest are a great way to get to know somebody and for them to get to know you.

    If she converses with you by text, follow her lead. Let things happen naturally,


  19. You’re done bro, good job

    Now sit back, relax and simply ask her on a date. She’s already said yes

    Doesn’t have to be a hike

  20. She’s going to ghost you, maybe even block you. Don’t even bother trying to figure out why, that’s just what woman do in situations like these

  21. Bro you dead ass pitched her a date idea and she said yes just hit her up shes obviously picking up what youre putting down.

  22. Just text her: “Hiking to Starbucks/bar for coffee/drinks. Would be great if you could join me.” Or something dumb like that. If she bites, great – you got yourself a hiking buddy! If she don’t, great – you get to grab coffee/drinks and have an opportunity to meet other chics who might be more interested! I love win-win situations!

  23. She knows your interest in her extends beyond hiking….good on you for striking up a convo hiking. I wish more men were that bold!!

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