So I had relations with this woman right, when she took her pants off i saw a lot of mucus-like white liquid sticking to them from the pussy area. I didn’t question it because i didnt want to kill the vibe, but we were getting down to it right, i was eating her out and the shit tasted so strongly of teriyaki and fish sauce?
We had been at a chinese restaraunt before too, but i honestly am so confused, don’t think flavour would go that strongly over a few hours.
By the way this was like a full on choking effect, smelled like I stuck my head in a pot of chicken chow mein (with the little chunky bits being like the egg 😭) I told her and she just laughed and told her friends? What could have caused this?

  1. There was no toilet paper in the ladies toilet so she used the napkin she had wiped her mouth with from your table

  2. Different women have different vaginal discharge. Different amounts, textures, colour and smells. A woman will know what is ‘normal’ for herself and sometimes even that can change depending on the point of her menstrual cycle she is currently in. It doesn’t sound like she found anything to be unusual about her discharge so it’s likely this is normal for her. Perhaps the two of you are just not very sexually compatible if you find it unappealing, that just happens sometimes.

  3. I can get a similar texture and whiteness when I’m ovulating on a hot day/after a heavy workout, so completely normal, just need a little wash. That being said, I’ve never thought I’ve smelled like Chinese food, and haven’t had that comment

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