How do you really feel about your ex GF becoming FBW with your best male friend?

  1. I feel like the reaction would be inverse to how well the breakup was and on how good terms you are afterwards

  2. GUYS YOU DONT FUCK WITH YOUR HOMIES EX. EVEN IF HE SAYS ITS OKAY. What has happened to all the men and the bro code. We’re in a mess.

  3. Iā€™d be furious
    What makes it worse
    Itā€™s happend to me twice with two separate friends
    1 friend I kinda understood because we were not together that long and didnā€™t really do anything my second friend though

    Yea she just wanted to hurt me

    Slept with him but he let somthing slip and said if I found out somthing we wouldnā€™t be friends I put 2 ans 2 together and drifted apart

    On another note I told him about me getting raped(girlfriend at the time tied me down, but there was a knock at the door and she proceeded to answer t door and allow her friend in and invited her to her room and proceeded to get her to ā€œtry me outā€)

    He laughed and said I should have enjoyed it.
    This was at his stag do and I basically left and didnā€™t go to his wedding

    I know heā€™s angry I guess

    But nah you donā€™t laugh and make jokes at my expense after I tell you somthing that Iv kept locked away for like 17 years

  4. It tells you everything you need to know about your male friend and none of it is good. That person does not respect you, they put getting a shag above your friendship and it is confirmation that you cannot trust them. They have no sense of code whatsoever and I fail to see how anybody could be friends with somebody like that.

  5. Never happened and the women I’ve dated were never really part of my male friend group and had relatively zero contact with them. I’ve always kept them largely separate. Even now that I’ve been married for over 15-years, I don’t bring my male friends over to my house very often (maybe 1X a year – at most). We generally meet-up and hang elsewhere.

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