One of my [17M] best friends [18F] told me yesterday that she has feelings for me. I don’t know how to move forward.

Met her about 6 months ago after moving to a new city. We became friends I’d say 3 or months ago. Not very long but we’re close.

She asked me not to tell anyone, and of course I won’t. Haven’t told my parents or friends and won’t unless she wants me to.

I was hanging out with her last night and she told me. I will say she delivered it in a good way, no pressure for me to respond right away or anything negative like that.

I told her as nicely as I could that I don’t feel the same and then she asked if we could still be friends. I said of course, which was the truth; she’s a great friend and I would hate to lose her as one.

She was worried that it would be awkward now, and I reassured her that nothing would change. But the next day it is pretty awkward. I haven’t seen her yet but I’m scared I’ll only be able to think about what she said whenever we’re hanging out.

I’ve suspected she had feelings for me for a few months but wasn’t sure and just brushed it off. I have horrible mental health so I often think everyone hates me, like I do. I alternate between thinking my friends like me and that they’re only friends with me out of pity. So the thought of someone seeing me as more than a friend is strange to me.

I feel really guilty. I know I can’t control what other people think of me but I still feel really bad about the whole situation.

Any advice? Once again she’s a great friend and I want to stay friends with her, just unsure on how to proceed.

TLDR; best friend said she likes me as more than friends and I don’t feel the same. we talked but I don’t know how to proceed without it being awkward.

  1. It may be awkward for a few hang outs but if she’s serious about wanting to stay friends, it’ll get easier

  2. It’s okay for it to be awkward for a little bit. Since you’ve already dealt with turning her down, I’d just power through, basically pretend it never happened (but keep good platonic boundaries), and eventually it will probably bounce back to feeling normal in a few weeks or months. You don’t have to run from the awkwardness, you can just let that be part of the fabric of the friendship for a while.

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