I keep seeing little blue LEDs on the roadside whilst I’m driving/cycling but I’ve never stopped to see what it was. The first one I spotted was about 6 months ago.

Does anyone know what they are?

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  2. Im guessing they’re disposable vapes. A lot of people just chuck them out of their car window.

  3. Elf bars! They are everywhere!! Yet another reason to ban the disposable vapes, discarded batteries dumped allover the country

  4. I was literally thinking this as I drove to work early this morning in the dark, and at random places along the roads were tiny flashing blue LEDs, but I actually think the other comments are right and it’s elf bars, don’t use em’ but friends do and I am pretty sure they do flash blue :0

  5. I wondered this then realised it was those fucking awful vape things. Smokers are the worst. They just throw their shit all over the place.

  6. Thrown away single use vapes they are advertised as “disposable” but they should be outright banned.l

  7. So that’s what they are! I’ve seen so many little blue led on the road side I thought they were those light up led collar tags for dogs in the dark

  8. They’re disposable vapes. Apart from the fact it’s a pointless use of throw away plastic, it’s another reason they’ll be banned soon as they’re littered absolutely everywhere.

    Edit: other comments are saying “they’re Elf Bars” but one specific brand can’t be blamed, there’s umpteen brands of disposable vapes.

  9. I had actually wondered this too, I thought they were wristbands or something being used as nightclub promotions or something similar – I know they give them away at festivals because it looks cool for the crowd to be lit up and that some of them scan. I mostly see them on weekends, people tossing them as they walk home

    Does anybody know why vapes or elfbars stay lit once they’re disposed of? I thought they only lit up when you were using them?

  10. As everyone else keeps saying, they’re vapes. I keep seeing them everywhere.

    Though I just assumed they were being dropped, I didn’t realise they were thrown out of car windows like cigarettes. I don’t know why people can’t have respect and just throw them in a bin

  11. That’s really not good. Why have we started this? Isn’t it quite easy to buy a vape thing and fill it up?

  12. I thought this for the last couple of months then found one on my run the other night and realised they are disposable vapes.

  13. Not a promotion. I have nothing to do with the company. But stumbled across a non vape called fum. Looks like it might have some positives

  14. Yep I stopped thinking it was something important someone had dropped and no it was a robo fag disgusting it’s the worst kind of pollution

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